The following resolution was recently received from the Bakerloo Line Branch:-
“This branch notes LU's declared intention to cut Train Operators jobs at Queen's Park Depot. These cuts involve a reduction of 11 rostered positions (101 to 90) and one pool position (six to five), amounting to a total of cut of more than 10% of the existing workforce.
This branch affirms its opposition to all job cuts. We do not accept that workers' jobs should be cut in order to make up budgetary deficits.
This branch notes that our local reps are engaged in negotiations with management over this matter, and plan to escalate the item through the LU machinery, including to Functional Council and Director level.
Given our policy of opposition to job cuts, this branch therefore resolves:
- To immediately declare a dispute with LU over this issue
- To campaign against job cuts using all means at our disposal.”
This matter has been considered by your National Executive Committee and extended their thanks to the Bakerloo Branch Line Branch for raising the issue. The NEC has noted that the company's proposal to reduce off-peak services coincides with the recent publication of TfL's Financial Sustainability Plan which includes the proposal to cut off-peak services.
Management have claimed that their roster proposals at Queens Park are unrelated to the Financial Stability Plan but have refused to meet your Lead Officer at the appropriate level to discuss your union's concerns.
Given the company's proposal to cut Train Operator positions and their refusal to enter into dialogue with us, I have been instructed to inform LUL that we are now in dispute with them on this issue.
I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
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