Branch submissions for LUL Pay Claim 2025

Dear Colleagues,


Several branches have submitted resolutions for the consideration of the National Executive Committee with regards to the 2025 pay negotiations, the details of which are as follows:


Bakerloo Line Branch

“This branch notes that LUL pay and conditions will be up for renegotiation in April 2025.

This branch therefore calls on the NEC to submit our pay claim no later than 1 February 2025, and to inform LUL that, should no satisfactory offer be received by 1 April 2025, we will enter a dispute and ballot for industrial action.

This branch believes our pay claim must include the following elements:

·A reduction in the working week to 32 hours with no loss of pay, with a pro-rata salary increase for part-time staff

·A concrete, specific pay demand, rather than a vague formulation such as “a substantial pay award”. As a contribution to discussion we suggest RPI +5% or a £3,000 flat-rate increase, whichever is higher for a given grade. Any pay settlement must be paid as a consolidated increase to all workers

·Insourcing of all outsourced work

This branch further believes we must conduct an assertive, proactive campaign to pursue these demands, rather than allowing LUL to set the pace of negotiations.

This branch further believes the means by which negotiations are conducted and discussed can be made more democratic, including by:

·Holding direct elections for the negotiating team

·Ensuring timely comprehensive written reports from all negotiation meetings, clearly setting out what our union negotiators proposed and how the company responded

·Ensuring the outcome favoured by the majority at a reps meeting is adhered to, including by holding indicative votes at such meeting to establish a majority view

This branch resolves to submit this resolution to the NEC as an expression of our view, and to circulate the resolution to other London Transport Region branches organising members within the scope of LUL collective bargaining”.


Piccadilly & District West Branch

“This Branch notes the upcoming pay submission for 2025.

We request that the NEC consider the following principles for the negotiations:

·A fully consolidated, RPI + pay increase for all

·A 32-hour, 4 day week

·Protection of earnings if moved into TfL on medical grounds of 7 years

·A flat rate minimum of £5000”


Finsbury Park Branch

“This Branch notes the urgent need to submit our claim for 2025-6 pay, which will be due in April 2025.

This Branch believes the claim must include the following elements:

·An above RPI increase (RPI + 5%) for all, to reflect real terms increase in pay and to reflect the real terms decrease over the past 2 pay awards

·Equalisation of staff travel facilities, including the extension of 'Priv' ticket facilities to all staff

·Boxing Day & New Year days bonus payments to be paid equally to all staff without exception

·Bank Holidays to be double pay and optional

·Overtime to be paid at time and half

·The in-housing of all outsourced work

This Branch further believes:

·It is essential we campaign proactively and assertively, rather than allowing management to set the pace. Every year the claim is late

·The pay claim submission must also include a deadline: if LUL has not presented a satisfactory offer by 1 April 2025, we will ballot for industrial action.

This Branch resolved to:

·Submit this resolution to the RMT NEC, as our Branch's contribution to discussion on the pay claim

·Circulate this motion to all affected Branches within the London Transport Region”

The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to obtain a detailed report from the Lead Officer, taking into account all submissions received from the Region and also with reference to the previous NEC objective to ensure that a reduction of the working week is central to our 2025 pay demand.


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely,

Michael Lynch
General Secretary