ABM Cleaners

Cleaners demonstrating

News, reports and information for London Transport cleaners

RMT to begin balloting ABM cleaners

Dear Colleagues,


A dispute situation was declared by the National Executive Committee over the company's failure to provide free staff travel, a company-wide sick pay scheme and a decent company pension (Ref: IR/240/19, 13th June 2019).

No progress on these matters has been achieved, despite the best efforts of our representatives and negotiators. Therefore, notice of a ballot of all RMT members at the company was served on ABM this week and the ballot opens on Monday 28th October 2019 and closes on Tuesday 19th November 2019.

RMT out organising with ABM Cleaners

Report on ABM Tube Cleaners RMT Ballot Campaign Activities

*Workplace Visits*

Today we visited cleaner members & non members on the North End of the Bakerloo Line, the South End of the Northern Line & Acton Town Depot

Cleaners were leafleted, the importance of a strong YES vote in the ballot was explained, a non-member was joined into the union & members were put into the RMT Cleaners WhatsApp.

*Organising Meeting*

ABM Cleaners' ballot organising meeting

To all LUL Region Branches

Dear Colleagues


As you know we are balloting our ABM members for strike action to secure Staff Travel, proper Sick Pay and a decent Pension for all.

The ballot opens this Monday 28th October with a closing date of Tuesday 19th November 2019. Myself and our National Executive Committee member, Andy Littlechild are calling a meeting for all Branch Secretaries and Chairs on Monday 28th October commencing at 14.00 hours in Unity House.

Bakerloo News October 2019

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line workers and is produced by RMT activists.

Please download the attached document to read it and share it online or print it out and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

Jubilee South News: September 2019

Jubilee South News is the newsletter for station workers on the Jubilee Line between Westminster and Stratford, train drivers at North Greenwich and Stratford train crew accommodations, ABM cleaners and Sodexo canteen staff at all these locations and signalers in SMD.

In this editon:

  • RMT Track Noise Ballot Success

  • RMT Train Driver goes full time following CDI dismissal

  • Mick Cash elected as RMT general secretary for second term

  • More good news from Jubilee South branch

RMT Bakerloo News July 2019

Here is the latest issue of Bakerloo News. Please download and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

In this edition:

- Cleaners: prepare to strike!
- Win on MYB mess room
- Hot weather debacle
- SRT staff demand proper training

RMT will fight hard for improvements for ABM cleaners

Dear colleague


As you may know, RMT is currently in dispute with ABM in our campaign for “Justice for ABM Cleaners.”

Yesterday, 26th June 2019, your Regional Organiser John Leach along with RMT ABM representatives met the company's Contract Director and his HR team face to face to demand improvements on the key issues at stake in this dispute:

- Free Staff Travel
- Decent Company Sick Pay
- Access to a direct pension scheme, same as the TfL pension scheme

RMT to ballot all ABM cleaner members for Strike Action


That we note the report from our Lead Officer following the meeting with our ABM union representatives; and that no movement on any of our matters raised have been addressed by the company. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that we are in dispute over their failure to provide free staff travel, a company wide sick pay scheme
or decent company pension.

Employment conditions at ABM 'of grave concern' to RMT


That we note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council regarding the impoverisation of our cleaner members by ABM using their super-exploitation model of employment, presided over by London Underground, TfL and the London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Meeting report: Mass members' meeting plans fightback

RMT reps and activists came together for a mass meeting at the Indian YMCA on Fitzroy Square on 24 April, to discuss three major disputes facing London Underground workers: against cuts to train maintenance (“extended train prep”); against job cuts (“Transformation”); and on pay, terms, and conditions.