Jobs/Pay/Justice Dispute

Starting in March 2009, RMT's industrial action campaign for decent pay, against job cuts, and to stop management persecuting staff and breaking their own policies

LUL Pay & Conditions 2009 - Deal Accepted

(Updated with Ballot Results)

RMT General Grades Committee have decided to accept the LUL pay offer.

General Secretary, Bob Crow says "After giving careful consideration to the situation, the General Grades Committee has decided to accept the most recent offer in respect of the 2009 and 2010 pay increases and the associated improvements to conditions of service. This was a 1.5% increase from 1 April 2009 for one year and RPI + 0.5% or 0.5% whichever is the greater for year two."

Meeting for all London Underground staff: Be Part of RMT's Fight for Secure Jobs and Decent Pay!

Venue: Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Square, nearest station: Warren Street - map here.

  • hear the industrial action ballot result
  • plan for effective action
  • hear details of London Underground’s assault on jobs
  • ask questions
  • join the discussion

Show your support for RMT’s fight for jobs, pay and justice!

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download a notice advertising this meeting. Please distribute this widely at work.

LUL Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2009

circular logo Circular No. IR. 380/09 dated 10th December 2009 from General Secretary Bob Crow

As you will be aware, the above ballot is well underway and is due to close on 21st December 2009. There had been some movement by the company since the decision to ballot was taken. This movement was confined to the medical redeployment arrangements only and not on the pay aspect itself.

The General Grades Committee’s decision on this is as follows:

“That we note the latest offer from LUL. While we welcome improvement to the medical termination in addition to existing arrangements, the package falls short of the aspirations of our members and is therefore not acceptable."

London Underground industrial action ballot: Vote YES and YES!

RMT is sending members on London Underground (including Metronet) a ballot paper for industrial action to achieve a better pay deal. Your union urges you to vote YES to strikes and YES to action short of strikes.

Voting YES to both will enable the union to use a variety of tactics - such as overtime bans or work-to-rule as well as strikes - to win a better deal than the pay-cutting ‘offer’ from management.

London Underground Pay Dispute ACAS Talks Update

Following hours and hours of talks at ACAS a new offer has been received from the company. This has been placed before the General Grades Committee and has been referred to the union’s Southern sub-Committee for consideration.

In the meantime the ballot goes ahead. You should vote YES for both strike action and industrial action short of a strike on your ballot paper.

Latest Inflation Figures Underline Case for Action on Pay

Inflation is rising again, and the latest figures show:

  • an all-time record increase in the price of second-hand cars (annual rate of increase 13.2%!)
  • furniture and household goods up 3.3%
  • communication up 2.6%, mainly due to landline phone bills increasing
  • food and non-alcoholic drink up 2.2%, with significant increases in the prices of meat, bread, cereals and vegetables.