London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Finsbury Park branch resolution issues raised with company


We note the resolution from Finsbury Park Branch and instruct the General Secretary to raise all the issues contained within the resolution with the company, and to report back to this NEC, branches and members on any progress made and on which matters remain outstanding.

We note that the last paragraph regarding Night Tube representation is currently being dealt with.

Night Tube Members to be advised.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

TOPRA change is attack on junior drivers

We note the report from our London Transport Regional Council regarding the  recently changes to the TOPRA/TOSCA agreements; which clearly amount to an attack on our more recently employed Driver Members and the introduction of a discriminatory two tier approach for addressing SPADs.

We instruct the General Secretary to run a campaign of information on this issue, additionally to call a meeting of all train representatives consulting them on all
approaches up to and including the potential of a ballot for industrial actions.

Bakerloo News December 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for members of the Bakerloo branch, from RMT reps and activists on the line.

In this edition:

  • Fight for a shorter working week
  • Fatigue group established
  • RMT supports Picturehouse and McDonald’s strikers
  • ABM suspends cleaners: RMT fights for justice!
  • Rosters
  • AG1 Cuts?
  • OPOs not working? Request assistance!
  • Farewell, comrade

Please download the attached newsletter and distribute it in your workplace or share online with your colleagues.

RMT asks management to reconsider offer to leapfrogged Night Tube drivers


Today the RMT and ASLEF met with Management concerning the leap-frogged drivers situation.

Management put a proposal that all 23 affected leap-frogged drivers would receive a days pay for every week that they were leap-frogged.

Management said that this was a "gratis payment" as the leap-frogged drivers did not work full-time during this period and it would be unfair to pay them for work that they never did.

RMT Upfront late December 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers, from the RMT.  In this edition, which focuses on health and safety issues:

  • Improvements must be made to driver safety
  • Detrainment staff 
  • Formal investigation into Parson’s Green bomb begins
  • Changes to CDP
  • Train Prep changes

Please distriubute the newsletter in your depot, or share it online with your colleagues.

Changes to CDP

Your Health & Safety commitee reps have recently attended a meeting with Learning and development with regard to changes to the Continuous Development Program. We were initially concerned that management were going to try to cut / water it down. This appears not to be on the cards at the moment. Although we still have issues with a number of lines only getting the 4 day rather than the 5 day to complete this vital refresher training.