London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

The olympic deal and what it means to you.

This document outlines what LUL want you to give up and how it would affect you personally. Please feel free to download and print to distribute to members.

Our framework is NOT for sale.

LU’s Olympic Offer what it means to you.

London Underground’s insult of an offer for ‘Rewarding’ its station staff during the Olympics in return for selling out our framework is a disgrace, and below is how it would impact on you.

RMT Demands Assurances on Existing Agreements to Allow Further Talks on Tube Olympics Reward

Tube union RMT today called on London Underground to give firm assurances that existing framework agreements will be adhered to in order to allow for further discussions on Olympics recognition and reward.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“We have written to London Underground asking for cast iron guarantees that existing workplace framework agreements for staff will be complied with. Once we have those assurances there is no reason why talks cannot recommence but the ball is now firmly in LUL’s court and we await their response.

Olympic Recognition And Reward – Transport For London

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. At ACAS yesterday (26 March), RMT made clear that in
order to proceed with talks we need a statement from management that no RMT members will be forced to break Framework Agreements. This has not yet been forthcoming from management, and until it is, all talks are adjourned.

LU Olympics: ACAS Talks

RMT negotiators attended ACAS on Monday 26 March, and issued the following update at the end of the day's talks: “At ACAS today, RMT explained that in order to proceed with talks we need a statement from management that no RMT members will be forced to break Framework Agreements. This has not been forthcoming from management, and until it is, all talks will be adjourned."


The next meeting of the Station Grades takes place on Thursday 29 March 2012 at the Exmouth Arms, Star Street London NW1, nearest stations Euston/Euston Square. The meeting starts at 1430.

• Next meeting on 29 March 2102 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Star St, NW1
• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.
• All Revenue & Station Staff Welcome
• It’s your union, your job come along and have your say
• Olympics Special: Q&A session on ACAS talks

RMT to Consult Branches over Spreading OSN101 Action to All Grades

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the resolution from our East Ham branch requesting that all grades be balloted for action short of strikes over OSN101 and related issues.

We instruct the General Secretary to urgently seek the views of all our branches with London Underground members and our Regional Council on this matter, and to place their responses in front of us.

RMT Prepares to Battle Future LU Job Cuts

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, which fails to give the assurances that this union asked for, that current staffing establishment levels are protected and maintained over at least the period of the current pay deal. Instead, LUL has offered only vague phrase-mongering about “continuity of employment”, and made even this conditional on “common sense flexibility and cooperation to adapt to reasonable changes”. Experience tells us that this indicates LUL’s intention to cut staffing levels and attack working conditions.

RMT Opposes Attacks on Safe Working Conditions Under Olympic Pretext

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that talks at ACAS aimed at resolving the dispute over Olympics recognition and reward for all London Underground staff broke down yesterday, with LUL attempting to use the pretext of the Olympics to attack working conditions and undermine public safety. The company’s ‘offer’ demands changes to Framework Agreements and does not apply to all grades.

ACAS talks aimed at resolving tube Olympics recognition and reward collapse with LUL demanding even more strings

TUBE UNION RMT said today that five days of talks at conciliation service ACAS aimed at resolving the dispute over Olympics recognition and reward for all London Underground staff have broken down after LUL attempted to impose even more strings.