London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Rejects Latest Tube Olympics Pay Offer

TUBE UNION RMT has rejected the latest Olympics pay offer from London Underground and has agreed to step up the pressure for a fair deal for all staff across the grades that properly rewards the additional work load and pressure that members will need to carry throughout the extended Olympics and Paralympics period.

The latest slightly improved offer from London Underground is made up of £100 depending on meeting ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’ targets and £20 per shift worked during the 4 weeks of the Games only

Elaine Holness Employment Tribunal 6/2/12

Elaine Holness Employment Tribunal February 6 2012

Elaine will finally get her chance to have her case heard at the Employment Tribunal in West Croydon on Monday Feb 6. Please make every effort to come down and support our comrade who has been treated so disgracefully since March 2009 by LUL and until we secure her re-instatement the victimisation dispute should not be considered closed.

RMT to Prepare Possible Legal Challenge to LU 'Rainbow' Attendance Policy

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice received on this matter.

While we are disappointed that our advisers believe that there is no legal avenue to compel London Underground to allow trade union representatives to accompany members at Rainbow Attendance Review meetings, we welcome the advice that it may be possible to pursue legal claims arising from London Underground Ltd’s apparent unilateral change to its attendance policy.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

Detail Of The LUL Offer For Olympic Working Rejected by RMT

This is the bulletin and related question and answer sheet regarding the Olympic offer made by LUL to 'all permanent staff (including those on fixed-term contracts) employed by LU ..., excluding those covered by the Senior Manager Reward Framework'

The offer has been rejected by the RMT as explained here in a separate article.

RMT Rejects London Underground's 'Derisory, Inadequate' Olympics Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from London Underground to operational staff of:

  • £100 depending on meeting ’Customer Satisfaction Survey’ targets
  • £15 per shift during the Games only (total of 4 weeks) to reflect changed working patterns. The target includes ‘staff availability’ on an Underground system which has seen dramatic staffing cuts over recent years.

We reject this derisory, inadequate offer on the following grounds:

Review of London Underground Industrial Relations: What Do You Think?

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from Professor Goodman on industrial disputes on London Underground. We agree to seek comments from our Regional Organiser, and from our London Underground branches and representatives, and instruct the General Secretary to place this issue back in front of us once these comments have been received.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

Boycott AFM Functionality Expansion-Jobs Depends on it

LU Management have informed the TU’s that they will be expanding the AFM Functionality to CSA’s.This now means that both CSA’s and SAMF’s will be expected to carry out ticket selling activities outside of the Ticket Offices,something which RMT are opposed to.LU have told us that they will initially be running a ‘pilot’ on a voluntary basis at Bank Station and also using SRT staff across the network from December to early January and thereafter will introduce it company wide.The first thing that CSA’s must remember is that their Job Description does not include or allow for the selling of