London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Tube strike on as tube bosses threaten to forcibly displace staff and use scab workforce during strike

Dear RMT Members

Today myself and senior RMT reps, The TSSA  and LUL at met ACAS on the above dispute for the 3rd day this week. Despite the strong effort of our Negotiation team we were not able to make any progress on the key issues of the loss of 838 jobs, displacements  and Transfer arrangements, destaffing of control rooms, abuse of CSA2 grades at the expense of CSA1 and roster balance.

Prepare to picket - LUL offered no improvements at ACAS today

LUL Station Staffing & Safety Arrangements , Post Implementation of Fit for the Future. ACAS Update Thursday 5th January 2017

Dear RMT Members,

Today myself and senior RMT reps, The TSSA and LUL met at ACAS for the second day on the above dispute.

Despite my request yesterday to make a radically improved offer and a whole day of conciliation at ACAS no improvements were forthcoming.

LUL have stated they want to return tomorrow for talks, and we of course are available. If there are developments I will report back.

Dean Storey dispute strike dates


Further to my circular IR/395/16 of 19th December 2016, the NEC further considered the matter just before Christmas. Having met with our reps to discuss the dispute the NEC decided to suspend the industrial action called from Christmas Eve.  However the action called for Monday 9th January 2017 remains on.

RMT leaks document showing tube boss agreed with RMT over Fit for the Future crisis

TUBE UNION RMT says that while strikes loom on London Underground middle managers have asked LUL Chief Operating Officer “How am I supposed to convince staff to break a strike/OT ban when I completely agree with many of the issues raised by the RMT?”
A leaked record of an “Area Managers Briefing” where senior Tube bosses met with area and line managers has exposed the chaos at London Underground stations following over 800 job cuts as part of LULs ‘Fit for the Future’ reorganisation that resulted in the closure of ticket offices on every station on the tube network.