London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

DfT has NOT driven or endorsed London Underground's revised HOT procedure

Further to our decision NWW 11.7.17, and upon further examination; we consider it important to note that there has been no changes to Government guidance around HOT procedures, and instructing staff to open or tamper with suspicious packages is contrary to current guidance and puts staff and the travelling public in severe and imminent danger.

RMT to issue guidance to members on dealing with suspect devices

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it is to issue new guidance to members in dealing with suspect devices as the union pledged again to resist attempts by London Underground to water down safety and security procedures.

Proposals by LU bosses to tamper with the existing processes have sparked a furious reaction from RMT members and reps – particularly in light of the North Greenwich bomb incident.

As a result, RMT’s executive has agreed the following:

RMT calls poor air quality on Tube 'a scandal'

The RMT has responded to a story in The Sunday Times on the poor air quality on the Tube.

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"RMT has been raising issues of major concern over the contents of air for a long time . The response given to the Sunday Times is what the union has been fobbed off with before . It is simply not good enough to say it's different because it's underground.

Rmt demands immediate action as Tube workers denied drinking water in appalling heat.

RMT members employed as Train Drivers, Station staff, Track workers,Train Maintaince and other front line staff have been told by LUL that they will no longer be provided with decent drinking water whilst they at work. Instead, the normal standalone drinking water units are being stripped out in a cost cutting exercise.

RMT members are being told do take a mug of water off the tap, warm water which hasn't even been tested as fit for human consumption.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

RMT Upfront Late June 2017

RMT Upfront is a newsletter for London Underground drivers, from RMT activists and reps on the Tube.

In this edition:

  • Watergate Scandal
  • Station staff needed
  • A change too far
  • Dust committee up and running
  • Cab security
  • Night Tube

Please download and distribute the newsletter in your depot, or share it on social media.

Bakerloo News June 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line trubw wokers from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • Tories’ anti-union laws scupper industrial action ballot

  • Grenfell Tower fire: working-class people killed by austerity

  • Labour election gains: keep fighting to kick out the Tories!

  • Women workers demand dignity in the workplace

  • Staffing level to increase as result of January strike

  • Early start on WTT43

  • Don’t let LU cut corners on safety

Regional Organiser writes to London Underground to raise serious safety concerns

RMT London Transport Regional Organiser John Leach has written to London Underground's Head of Security Operations Jill Collis following an important health and safety meeting.

London Underground's 'HOT' procedure and guidelines for dealing with a security incident were discussed at the meeting. The RMT have serious concerns with the responses given to both issues as outlined in John Leach's letter.

If you have any comments or concerns relating to the situation discussed in the letter below, please speak to your local health and safety rep.