London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Resolution: New LUL Grievance Procedure

The following resolution, submitted by Hammersmith & City and Jubilee & East London Line branches, was carried at the March meeting of the Regional Council.

This Regional Council opposes the decision made by the General Grades Committee to accept the new LUL Grievance Procedure.

This was done without consultation with either local representatives or branches.

We cannot understand why this matter was hurried through the GGC when the implementation date was 1st April 2010.

LU Calls In 'Forensic Accountants' On Tube Lines Payments To Shareholders

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded that London Mayor Boris Johnson take “urgent and decisive” action to terminate the Tube Lines contract on London Underground as it emerged that LU are calling in forensic accountants to “examine massive and secretive payments to Tube Lines’ shareholders” and after the company were branded as “ailing and failing” by TfL.

Leaked LUL Document Exposes Plans To Cut Front Line Jobs

Newsletter 'Across The Tracks' have obtained an internal LUL document revealing plans to cut minimum staff levels at stations across LUL.

The Newsletter contains the following:

  • Information on how staffing levels may be cut
  • Managements possible strategy to cut costs
  • Why minimum numbers of staff were introduced and there impact on safety
  • How, through solidarity, we can strongly oppose such plans

See ATT's website for more information or read the full story to view the newsletter, or download it.

WHOSE STETHOSCOPE ARE YOU UNDER? LUL managers become doctors!

No reader of Monthly News will be surprised to hear that since our strike in June 2009, there have been at least five more wrong-side door openings (WSDOs) with management trying to hush them up and rightly not referring any of the staff involved to disciplinary action. Management know that these incidents have only happened because of their failure to provide the safety device used on all other stock on all other lines - Correct Side Door Enabler (CSDE). No one has been sent to a disciplinary hearing, that is, except the person most unlikely to have been sent to one.


It sometimes seems as though staff and management are subject to entirely different company disciplinary procedures. Why? Consider what would happen if you were accused of kicking another member of staff or of racially abusing someone in full view of a customer. Yes, you guessed it; you would be stood down pending investigation. But not if you are a manager, apparently! An Arnos Grove DMT was recently alleged to have assaulted one of our driver members by kicking him, but incredibly remains at work.

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - February 2010

Read or download the February edition of Monthly News by clicking on the attachment below.

In this month's edition:

1. Play it safe and keep your job. Valuable advice for all ticket office staff.

2. Are managers immune to company policies?

3. Tetra emissions: Unions seek the truth.

4. Whose stethoscope are you under? LUL managers become doctors!

RMT Demands Answers As Tube Signal Failure Leaves Late Passengers Stranded

LONDON UNDERGROUND’S biggest union has demanded an explanation from Tube bosses after a signal failure at Farringdon last night left passengers stranded without advice or help to finish their journeys.

RMT has learned that passengers on Metropolitan and Circle and Hammersmith and City trains spent up to 45 minutes between Kings Cross and Farringdon stations, missing last onward connections with other lines, and were given no help to finish their journeys.