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RMT and ASLEF Health and Safety reps at Arnos Grove depot have written a joint letter to their Train Operations Manager to express their concerns with the constant low intensity radiation emissions given off by the Tetra system recently installed throughout the London Underground railway system. In the letter, the reps point out the need for greater scrutiny of the new radar system on the grounds of health and safety. They asked LUL to supply them with copies of all risk assessments carried out on Tetra systems underground and information on any funding that has been made available for independent monitoring of the equipment and any effects it may have on the health of LUL staff.
Atrial Fibrillation
Several drivers at Arnos Grove have developed the medical condition known as atrial fibrillation. The number of drivers with the condition does not reflect the national average ratio of sufferers per population and nor does the age group affected.
Thanks to the local reps at Arnos, LUL are now taking our concerns seriously with a review of the available information being undertaken by the health department. The union is concerned that, unless sufficient health screening is put in place, there may be many more drivers who have the condition without knowing it.
Health Fair
The union has requested that a health fair visits Arnos Grove depot as soon as possible in order to begin the screening process. Drivers at Arnos are urged to take advantage of this and get checked out before it’s too late.
LUL Denies Problem
At a recent Tier 1 meeting at Arnos Grove depot, reps were given a presentation on atrial fibrillation by a company doctor. It became clear that the company was not yet prepared to admit that atrial fibrillation might be a combine-wide problem. Instead, they preferred to believe that the higher than average number of cases of the condition at Arnos was a one-off quirk. This position, of course, allows them to let the Tetra system off the hook.
However, there remains a huge suspicion and a growing body of evidence (notably from a Police Federation study) that radiation emissions from the Tetra system are harmful to those who receive doses of this radiation on a daily basis due to their work. Rest assured, our safety reps are on the case and will stay on it until the truth is established.
Article from Feb 2010 edition of Finsbury Park Monthly News
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