Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

How Long Before Someone Dies?

Two recent ‘wrong-side door openings’ by drivers on the Victoria line have highlighted a potentially lethal anomaly concerning that line. Trains on all lines have a ‘correct side door enable’ (CSDE) system built in, a system which prevents drivers from accidentally opening train doors on the wrong side. All lines, that is, except the Vic! Yes, believe it or not, the Victoria line does NOT have CSDE, despite the potentially lethal consequences of a wrong-side door opening event. So how did this come to be?

X marks the spot!

RMT urges LUL to withdraw ‘dangerous’ doors instruction

RMT press release, issued today

LONDON UNDERGROUND’S biggest union has urged the company to withdraw an “astonishing and potentially highly dangerous” instruction which will require drivers to ask passengers to push carriage doors closed in tunnels.

RMT is seeking urgent discussions with LUL over an ‘Operation Standards Notice’ which will also require drivers to move trains through tunnels even if they are not certain that carriage doors are closed.

Menopause - working through the change

The TUC has produced a useful guide to issues surrounding menopause. If you are going through 'the change', or if you are an RMT rep, you will find it useful to download and read this document to check your rights and what allowances management should be making for you.

To download it, click on the file name below.

Are TETRA Waves Dangerous?

Its official: no one seems to know!

After numerous meetings with management, Connect experts and a series of TETRA wave boffins, the Train’s Health and Safety Council are none the wiser about the effects of TETRA waves on the health of our members.

Given that we are mere drivers this is hardly surprising. More worryingly, at a recent TETRA conference organised by LU, the head of LU’s Occupational Health and an eminent expert in the field, brought in for a questions and answers stint, could not give guarantees about the safety of this new technology.

Report from the Tier 2 Trains Council meeting

If you are not already aware, this is how the LU Health and Safety Machinery works: if Health and Safety problems or concerns arise locally, the first port of call is your local RMT health and Safety Representative at the Depot. They will raise these concerns with the local manager. If no resolution to the problem can be found, the matter will be referred to us at the Tier 2 Trains Safety Council. If we are unable to resolve the matter it then gets referred to LU Directors / RMT Head office level for them to resolve. Below is a snapshot of items currently being discussed at Tier 2.

Upgrades Report

Owing to the amount of upgrades with stock and signalling, LU last year allowed the RMT to appoint a dedicated Safety Rep solely to deal with new Upgrade issues. This Rep is Gwyn Pugh from Acton Town Depot.

He has supplied us an update of the burning issues that we will be facing soon.

Code Red: there are plans afoot for Controller to have the ability to stop trains immediately without having to call a „code red‟. The Controller will have a button on his desk that we only have to push for all trains to grind to a halt.

Cross Track Projection (XTP) Fiasco

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

Members may have already heard of Cross Track Projection or XTP as they like to call it. If you haven’t, you will soon. These are the large projector screens that have been installed, firstly on the Victoria Line, and now on the Bakerloo Line. They will be coming to a location near you soon.

Dangerous Waves

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

Connect Radio: The Risks to your Health and Safety

Most lines are now fitted with the all-singing, all-dancing, new shiny Connect radios; 8 years late and god know how much over budget! There are 2 concerns your Trains Health and Safety Council reps have about this system: one is the move to Phase 2, which will see drivers take authority to pass signals at danger over the radio, and the other is the TETRA waves associated with the radio system.