Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Trains Health and Safety Council Newsletter - XTP: Management shamed

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the newsletter. Read the text below ...

HMRI have written to LU raising serious concerns about the safety of the Cross Track Projection system (XTP). The railway inspectorate has told LU what your safety reps have been telling them for the past 6 months: that XTP is a distraction to drivers and is just not safe! When this system was first consulted upon, CBS gave assurances to safety reps that the system would turn off before the train entered the platform. A catalogue of lies, excuses and U-turns later, we are in the position where by the projector stays on constantly in many locations. This, as we have told LU management many times, causes a serious distraction to the driver at a time when they should be concentrating on the PTI, the combine’s greatest risk. As our concerns have been ignored we can only assume that the revenue received outweighs any risk involved.

RMT Victoria Line strike “rock solid” in dispute over safety and bullying

RMT press release, issued today ...

The RMT said today that the 24 hour strike on the Victoria Line, starting at 9pm this evening, is “rock solid” after management refused last minute talks to resolve the dispute over passenger door safety and the bullying and victimization of RMT members.

LUL confirmed in announcements to commuters at main terminals this morning that the Victoria Line will be closed down from tonight and RMT expects a knock on effect over health and safety concerns that will impact on the Picadilly Line.

Support Victoria Line Drivers' Strike - a Message to Passengers

Today, Victoria Line drivers are striking. One reason for this is that London Underground will not install safety equipment that stops doors opening on the wrong side of the train.

The safety implications are obvious. How often have you or your children been on a crowded train jammed against a door? If this door opens unexpectedly, you could be seriously injured or even killed.

Excess Wheel Screech Update.

At the recent TFAG, (Fleet Liaison) RMT H&S reps were told the reason for the problems with wheel/flange squeal have now been identified as being caused by grease pots either wrongly directed or being empty. This is exactly what the track people told RMT H&S reps back in February were definitely not causing the fault. MRIS, the specialist team brought in by Metronet, however have now confidently declared that they have been able to locate the source of the problems and will have it rectified by August 2009.

Trains Health and Safety Council Newsletter March 2009

The new issue of the Trains Health and Safety Council Newsletter reports on the ongoing PTI fiasco,
Connect radio, 5-day block training and the current ballot for industrial action. You can email Trains Health & Safety Council RMT reps at

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it. Read the text below.


PTI Fiasco: How confident are you in your OPO equipment?

Bakerloo Line Elephant drivers tier 1 meeting. 6.3.2009

At the recent Tier 1 we had the opportunity to raise some issues with Bakerloo Line Managers. This is a brief outline of what discussions took place;

Route Proving.

Management seem to have got themselves into a bit of a 2 and 8 over this. They state Tier 2 reps have been consulted, and that validates their responsibilities to consult with us prior to new procedures being adopted. They then say Tier 1 reps were offered and declined consultation.

Excessive Wheel /Flange Squeal

We at the Bakerloo Line have been subjected to ear splitting excess wheel screech for the past 4 months. Originally drivers were told to wear their ear defenders. These would be the ones SQE told us we don't need. The ones that are no longer part of our PPE. We have asked for a local investigation into the root cause of the problems. Surprisingly our PM turned this down!! It is now time to up the ante.