Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Service Control - Protect Your Job

The text in this article is taken from the poster attached below. Please distribute it in your workplace


London Underground have taken unfair action against service control instructors and are pursuing this further to help cut staffing number.

Stop. Do not:

  • do not let your trainee touch anything without consenting to it first. Every button!
  • if you need a pnr (personal needs relief) you must shut the desk or cabin!!
  • do not have a trainee if you feel the risks are too great of losing your job

Investigation Demanded After Train Doors Open In Tunnel

Tube Union RMT today demanded a full investigation after it was revealed that the doors opened between stations on a packed Piccadilly Line train heading towards Heathrow on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, the driver was alerted to the fault by a signal in the cab and was able to bring the train to a halt and ensure the safety of all passengers. The seriousness of the incident is reinforced by the fact that a baby in a buggy was close to the door that partially opened at the time.

RMT Insists 'Protection Masters' Be Directly Employed

We note the report from our lead officer and branch secretary. We note that the individual cases are now concluded.

We reaffirm our insistence that all duties associated with protection should be carried out by directly-employed staff, and are alarmed at the apparent backtracking by the company on this matter.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this is pursued through the machinery of negotiation, and also to table this for discussion at the next meeting of the London Underground Briefing Forum.

RMT Prepare For Possible Industrial Action Over Flash & Dash Detrainments

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the correspondence from London Underground Ltd. Although the experience of the last two years has proved beyond any doubt that detrainment is only safe and effective when carried out by staff on the platform, the company appears to be preparing to make a fresh attempt to withdraw these staff. It seems again to be attempting to use some technical devices as a pretext to return to the ‘flash and dash’ procedure, which endangers passengers and is held in contempt by our members.

Tube Bosses Avoid Response To RMT Demand On Detrainment Staff

We note the reply from London Underground Ltd regarding inner inter-car barriers. We note that this letter does not address the request in our previous letter for an assurance that LUL has abandoned all plans to remove detrainment staff from the Central Line (or any other line) and all plans to reduce the number of staff on its stations. We do not accept that this can wait until after the Formal Investigation Report, and instruct the General Secretary to write to LUL again specifically on this matter, insisting on a reply, which is to be placed in front of us.

"Pure Luck" That Derailed Overground Train Wasn't Nuclear Say RMT

A derailed freight train on the London Overground at Camden station caused massive delays yesterday, which were expected to continue throughout the week .

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said.

"24 hours on from the derailment at Camden Road we are demanding some clear and consistent information from the transport authorities into a potentially life threatening incident that will leave services closed into next week.

London Underground To Provide Thermal Uniform

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and welcome the company's agreement to provide thermal under trousers. We believe that this is a significant victory for this union, which London Underground staff will welcome.

This has been achieved through the persistent efforts of our representatives - especially our Uniform Consultative Committee representatives and our Victoria Line North stations health and safety representative - and through demonstrating the strength of feeling of our members on this important issue of workplace comfort and safety.

JLE PED isolation - if it aint broke dont fix it

Why replace a safe system with a high risk dangerous one? The RMT is very concerned by the dangerous plans by management on the Jubilee Line to alter our procedure for isolating a defective Platform Edge Door. We believe a member of staff must be positioned by an isolated platform edge door is essential to maintaining a safe operation.
Station staff are the eyes and ears for drivers in these situations, and their absence can lead to dangerous situations and possible injuries - most notably to children, visually impaired people and mobility impaired people.