East London Line Protest and Leafleting

On Sunday 23rd May the extended East London Line will re-open, as part of private company, LOROL (London Overground). Obviously we support the extension but not when part of the tube network has been privatised through the back door. The whole of LOROL should be integrated with London Underground and owned and run by the Greater London Authority, elected by Londoners, which is RMT policy.

The privatisation of railways has been a total mess, with one company after another getting in trouble, including Metronet and Tube Lines.

We Don't Have Break Aways On The Bakerloo Line!

Breaking news from Queens Park.Well we do now!

It would seem that no sooner do them Tory scum get into power then all hell breaks loose on the London Underground.
Fresh from a derailment on the Picc yesterday, the unbelievable scenario of a train break away on the Bakerloo has occurred.
I am not saying the cause is solely to do with neoliberal coalitions but come on, look at the facts.
2 days in the hot seat and 2 serious incidents follow rapidly.

Farewell To Fitz Chambers

Come along to the Clachan Public House to bid a fond farewell to a RMT legend !
19 May at 1600 hrs for an evening of celebration with Fitz.
Wish him well on whatever career he chooses and enjoy a few jars of beer with us.
As luck would have it,thats the day we get our CSS bonus and the balance of our pay LUL cheated us out of in April.
A double celebration if you will !!!

Anyone wishing to donate to Fitz`s collection please give to the following before 19 May;