RMT to lead fightback against transport austerity

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SPECIALIST TRANSPORT UNION RMT will lead the fightback against any attempt to impose austerity cuts in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a motion to the TUC today  which will be moved by senior assistant General ,Secretary Steve Hedley RMT sets out the programme for that campaigning fightback:

"Congress pays tribute to the key workers of the Coronavirus pandemic who, in protecting our lives and livelihoods risked and sadly lost their lives. 

Trains H&S update: maintain social distancing

- This update is taken from the attached notice. Please print it out and display it in your depot.


Members should be congratulated on the major efforts that have made to work through the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been a very long 8 months since it all began and is a tribute to all who have adapted to social distancing measures.

Jubilee News September 2020

Jubilee News is written for train operators on the Jubilee Line by RMT activists.

In this edition:

- Tube review threat to train operators
- KPMG report concluded
- Night Tube Update
- Always take a rep.

Please download the attached newsletter to read it.

Download NEC policy statement on fighting redundancies

I have posted below a copy of RMT’s new NEC policy statement on fighting redundancies and attacks on members pay and conditions.

The BBC recently reported that UK firms started consultations on over 300K redundancies in June and July alone. The NEC has taken reports on redundancy threats to RMT members in all sectors. It is vital that we discuss how we can resist job losses and attacks on pay and conditions in the period of economic crisis we are entering.

This is unlikely to be a run of the mill cyclical recession. The Financial Times reports that,

Ill thought through Tory plan for transport workers to test temperatures of passengers

Responding to comments made widely by Conservative MP for Westminster and Cities of London Nickie Aiken that public transport workers should be conducting temperature checks on commuters travelling into London hubs RMT Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch said:

Service Control News, September 2020

For many years, Service Control has been ticking on by quietly in the background but more and more we are finding Service Control are coming under attack. Whether it be attempts to undermine their terms and conditions with retired staff, cutting of numbers or reneging on ACAS agreements. The Service Control family has come together and decided enough is enough and now is the time to make a stand. With this in mind your reps have put together all the issues that have been left unresolved and prevalent for years and will be demanding change.

ISS DLR pay offer accepted


The Lead Officer and Reps recently met with ISS to discuss the 2020 pay review and following discussions, the final offer which was received was as follows:-

LUL Electronic payslips

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Further to my previous Circular (IR/465/19, 15th November 2019), Branches will recall the LTRC submitted a resolution regarding the introduction of electronic payslips by London Underground and members access to their payslips.