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- This update is taken from the attached notice. Please print it out and display it in your depot.
Members should be congratulated on the major efforts that have made to work through the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been a very long 8 months since it all began and is a tribute to all who have adapted to social distancing measures.
These efforts have been highlighted by the very few confirmed cases of C-19 in our driver members. We do not want to undo that hard work and feel we must remind members that Social Distancing is still very important to all our safety and that we should not take chances with this virus.
So, we need to keep adhering to these measures and start looking at this as the new normal. The THSC and the TFC reps are working hard to introduce safe ‘2 in cab’ training to get promotion and movements back, alongside other training methods.
LUL are now making noises that we are to possibly move away from the 2-metre rule. We believe we should be still adhering to these practices in order to limit possible transmission and by strict compliance to this rule will strengthen our case for not watering down these measures.
We have been made aware of a few locations where complacency has crept in, where some T-Ops are ‘giving lifts’ on the front of trains. This obviously doesn’t comply with Social Distancing rules.
We must also make sure that the occupancy numbers of our depots, agreed by your Health and safety reps must be adhered to. In order to continue to keep these numbers as low as possible So please do stick to the 2-metre rule and keep Social Distancing at the forefront of your minds
Keep Safe.
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