Video: fighting Sodexo job cuts

RMT activist Dan Randell talks about the job cuts on Sodexo's TfL contract which could have seen 30 people made redundant. 

However, the RMT organised a fightback which saw a deal reached that there would be no compulsory redundancies, but instead a job with Sodexo for all those who wanted to stay.

Sodexo workers are encouraged to join the RMT. The more people who are with us, the stronger we will all be.


LUL are refusing to send staff home after a workmate reported a positive Covid-19 result

RMT, the Tube’s largest union, today condemned London Underground for its dangerous policy on Covid-19.

LUL are refusing to send staff home after a workmate reports a positive Covid-19 result. This includes staff who would have been working with their colleague potentially for many hours per day and up to 8 days in a row together.

The policy flies in the face of Government guidelines that clearly state that you MUST isolate for 14 days if you have been in contact with a Covid-19 positive person and face a fine if you knowingly don’t.

Sodexo Newsletter

  • Please read the attached newsletter to get the latest updates in the RMT fight against Sodexo job cuts.


RMT negotiates a no compulsory redundancy agreement with Sodexo

The RMT has reached an agreement with Sodexo that nobody on London Underground will be made redundant if they wish to keep a job with the company.

Tube union RMT to ballot Sodexo canteen workers

LONDON UNDERGROUND UNION RMT is to ballot canteen workers in LU depots for industrial action after private contractor Sodexo announced it intends to plough ahead with a plan to slash 30 jobs, nearly a third of the workforce.

The move will put an end to over 100 years of on site home-style cooked canteen food for transport workers which will be replaced with reheated frozen microwave meals.

The proposals are part of a restructuring plan by Sodexo and will see workers who have notched up to 20 years’ service being placed on the scrapheap.

Video: Tube funding update

RMT Regional Organiser John Leach updates members on the funding agreement reached between London mayor Sadiq Khan and thr government following s meeting he attended this morning with the assistant mayor and TfL commissioner.

Video transcript:

Solidarity With Jeremy Corbyn

The London Transport Regional Council executive has issued a statement following the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour Party;

RMT London Transport Regional Council opposes the Labour Party's suspension of our long-time ally Jeremy Corbyn and calls on the party to rescind it.