TfL financial review "a disgraceful document that seeks to justify imposing job cuts"

22nd December 2020

Dear Colleague,


TfL recently released the full report from the Independent Panel Review, commissioned by the Mayor, which focuses on increased funding and cost-savings. RMT attended a meeting regarding the report and the Union has already made it clear to TfL that this review is an attack on staff.

Neasden Branch Meeting Dates 2021 and Branch Nominations.

Attached are the Neasden Branch meeting dates for 2021. 

Please note the following: 

At the January branch meeting will be dealing with nominations and elections for the following positions;

RMT General Secretary
Wembley Park IR trains
Jubilee West Tier 1
Jubilee North Tier 1

The branch is also seeking nominations for the following;

Young members officer
Political officer
Women’s officer.

Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! 



London Underground 'two in a cab training' paused

  • Please download, print and display the attached poster in your depot.

UPDATE: Two in a cab training to be suspended with immediate effect following RMT intervention

Following the Government’s announcement on Saturday about the alarming rise of COVID-19 transmissions in London, the RMT immediately contacted the LUL Managing Director to demand an urgent meeting about the effects on our members.

London Calling Newsletter: Time to fight back

This newsletter is for workers on London Transport, produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

- Time to fight back
- Defend Pensions
- No more cuts
- Defend our cleaners
- Decision of the National Executive Committee.

Please download the attached newsletter to read the articles. You can share it online and print and distribute it in you workplace too

RMT responds to 'independent panel' report on TfL finances


“That we note the report from our lead officer.

The report of the so-called “independent Panel” is a disgraceful document that seeks to justify imposing job cuts, transport service cuts and additional taxation onto the working class of London. RMT rejects the report entirely and demands that the mayor immediately does the same and undertakes not to act on any of the report’s findings.

RMT Stations and Revenue Control Functional Council reps annual report 2020

What have you station and revenue functional reps been up to in 2020? Red the attached report to find out.

Issues covered include:

  • Revised pandemic rosters
  • Supporting vulnerable workers
  • SRT deployment
  • Withdrawal of cash acceptance
  • Night Tube
  • TfL/LU funding
  • Supporting outsourced workers
  • Communication and propaganda
  • …and more.

Bakerloo Branch News December 2020

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line.

Please download it to read the latest news from the Bakerloo branch. You also print and distribute it in your workplace.

In this edition:

  • Gains made in Sodexo fight
  • Jobs saved at Elephant staff canteen
  • TfL bailout agreed, but cuts still threatened
  •  SRT update
  •  RMT Bakerloo reps attend US trade union convention
  •  South London Mouse