TUC Trade Unionism Online Course Places Available

There are places available on the following four TUC online course for 2013. The links to each course list the necesary prerequisites for a place. It would also be advisable to discuss this with your branch secretary before applying.

Diploma in Contemporary Trade Unionism Online Course

There are still places available on the Diploma in Contemporary Trade Unionism Online Course which begins in January 2013.

Regional Council Meeting Report November 2012

This is a synopsis of the report given by the London Transport Region Executive Member Janine Booth to the London Transport Regional Council Meeting on 29th November 2012.

To get more details please try and attend your branch meeting or regional council - your rep should have more information too. Alternatively this site has lots of information and material for workplaces in the London Region.



Women's Public Speaking Workshop

A one-day Public Speaking Workshop for RMT women will be taking place on Thursday 24th January 2013 in London.

This workshop will focus on developing public speaking, with particular emphasis on speaking out in union meetings, aiming to empower women to have a greater voice in the union. We will look at issues like why women sometimes find it difficult to speak in meetings, what techniques can help with confidence and effectiveness in public speaking and how to deal with challenges and interruptions.

RMT To Protest Against 'Kill The Gays' Bill At Ugandan Embassy

RMT LGBT demonstration: Solidarity with Ugandan LGBT people! Stop the "Kill The Gays" bill!


The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality “Kill the Gays” Bill has been placed on the schedule of Parliament - meaning it will be on business of the day any time from now.

The Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law in Uganda has called for protest actions across the World.

Cleaners To Lobby Parliament

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Changed to Committee Room 14

REMINDER: National Lobby of Parliament for Cleaners in the Transport Industry

I am writing in relation to national lobby of Parliament for RMT cleaners. The lobby will take place on 11th December 2012, at 15.00 in Committee Room 14 in the House of Commons.

The lobby will be addressed by myself and several MPs and will discuss the issues facing cleaners in the transport industry and how those issues relate to our current disputes.