Tube Lines Christmas Pay Accepted

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the responses of our LU Fleet and LU Engineering branches.

Accordingly, while noting that the payment has not increased since last year, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the company that this union accepts the arrangements.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.

London Cleaners To Demonstrate Tomorrow

London Cleaners Demo Outside TFL Windsor House SW1 0TL Friday 30 November 2012 at 12,00 Noon.

London based RMT cleaner and security members will demonstrate outside TFL HQ, Windsor House, 40-52 Victoria Street London SW1H 0TL at 12.00 noon this coming Friday, 30 November, as the union steps up the national campaign for pay justice.

November RMT Platform Issue

The latest RMT platform newsletter is attached. Please download, print and display at your work place.
There are details of the recruitment day, meeting at Stratfrod at 1000 on 29th Novemeber.
This month we highlight the start of the SS grade defence campaign, how we need to organise our strategy to defend our jobs, terms and conditions.

There are also issues from around the combine.
If you have a story or article you wish to have in the next rmtplatform please let us know and we will include it for you. See rmtplatform for contact details.

Save The London Transport Museum

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Dear Colleagues,

Save London Transport Museum!

Transport for London has cut its grant to the Museum by 25%, which amounts to £1.5million a year. On top of that, vital Arts Council funding has dried up, shelving a number of important community outreach and education posts.

TSSA have launched a petition which I encourage you to sign, and to bring to the attention of members.

RMT Organises Cleaners Strike Rally In Build Up To Co-ordinated Industrial Action

From General Secretary Bob Crow

As a key element of the strategy to gain justice for all our cleaning members working in the transport industry, the Union has planned co-ordinated industrial action against the employers we are currently in dispute with over pay and conditions, to take place on 30 November/1 December.

I am writing to advise you of an eve of strike rally arranged in London at 7.00 pm on Thursday 29 November at: