Recruitment workshop

We are holding a recruitment workshop on 14/12/12 starting at 1000-1030 at Clapham
All reps and activists are encouraged to attend. Loss of earnings will be covered by the region if unpaid leave is taken.
We will be working out our strategy for recruitment for the next few months, where we will be visiting and how best to recruit and retain members in your area. Please make every effort to attend and have an input in how we interact with your members.

Video: RMT Cleaner's Strike Rally

The RMT held a rally prior to the industrial action held be cleaners working for ISS and Initial on London Underground and Carlisle on the Docklands Light Railway.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow, Assisant GS Steve Hedley and London Transport Exective Council member Janine Booth spoke at the event along with Richard Crane an RMT cleaner member and members of other unions and political groups.

Richard talked about the struggles faced by cleaners in making ends meet as low pay meant paying bills and looking after family was almost impossible, with many other cleaners he knew working second and even third jobs to make end meets.