Celebrating our Victories- defending our members

The Past we Inherit the Future we Build.- celebrating successful disputes

With the attacks to our terms and conditions its important to remember what we have inherited through members sticking together. A tried and tested stratergy which works.

Attached are some materials for your consideration and circulation in this special week.


Report on Boxing Day dispute - USE YOUR VOTE - VOTE YES!

RMT received a letter from Howard Collins (Chief Operating Officer) late on Friday 14th of December afternoon indicating that the Boxing Day proposals selling train drivers annual leave has been withdrawn (see the attachment). This is an important development for all drivers and the RMT’s campaign to defend our annual leave arrangements. The RMT’s decision to enter into a dispute and to hold a ballot for industrial action has been enough to overturn this proposal.

Jubilee South Branch December Newsletter

The latest newsletter for Jubilee South branch has just been published.

This months edition includes stories on:

  • Wave & Pay technology being a threat to jobs
  • Tube drivers ballot for action over Boxing Day annual leave 'sale'
  • Details about the next branch and a regional recruitment workshop

You can download the newsletter below.

TFL And Tube Lines Pensions Compared

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

As you will be aware the dispute with Tube Lines management regarding pension and travel equality will be reaching a significant stage over the Christmas period as a result of possible further industrial action. It is therefore important that members are fully aware of the issues involved so that they can make an informed decision when supporting this action.

RMT Congratulates Reps And Activists Who Recruited Over Half Of Sodexo Workers As Members

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that the recognition agreement with Sodexo is signed as soon a practical, with details regarding representation, constituencies etc completed in line with our representatives’ wishes. We congratulate our representatives and activists for their very hard work in achieving 50%+ membership in difficult circumstances, and instruct the General Secretary to ensure that a pay and conditions claim is drafted and placed in front of us, and that we pursue a renewed recruitment campaign following the confirmation of recognition.