RMT Secures Inflation Beating Pay Rise For Thousands Of Network Rail Maintenance Staff

Rail union RMT revealed today that it has secured pay increases of 3.5% for thousands of Network Rail maintenance staff, outstripping inflation and proving that fighting trade unionism can drive a coach and horses through government austerity and pay policies.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"This deal is one of the best collective pay settlements anywhere in industry and rams home the point that while we are being told we have to accept pay cuts and freezes RMT is still out there winning inflation beating rises"

RMT Demands Immediate Release Of Tehran Bus Union Treasurer Reza Shahabi

Transport union RMT today expressed its deep concern at the continued imprisonment of sick Iranian prisoner Reza Shahabi, treasurer of our sister organisation the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, otherwise known as the Vahed union.

Reza Shahabi has been incarcerated for over two and a half years. His physical condition has deteriorated recently, following a surgery to his neck and spine. It is now reported that Raza has begun a hunger strike.

Against medical advice, Reza was sent back to Evin prison in August this year. After being denied a transfer to a hospital for proper treatment, Shahabi has been refusing food since 17th December.

RMT Insist On Maintaining Or Improving Release For Reps So Members Can Be Properly Represented

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch.

During the forthcoming review, we will insist on maintaining or improving the total amount of release afforded to our representatives, and will seek a more even and appropriate distribution of release across the representatives in various functions. Every member in every grade should have access to reps with release that makes them available when required.

This matter is to be placed in front of us when further responses are received from branches and representatives.

RMT Concerned 'Wave & Pay' Being Used To Cut Jobs

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and share its concern that ‘Wave And Pay’ forms part of London Underground Ltd’s plan to remove ticket office and other station staff.

In line with the resolution, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. contact the Greater London Assembly to find out TfL’s response to the Assembly’s questions, especially where they relate to ticket office staffing
  2. work with supportive GLA and TfL Board members to maintain ticket office staff on stations

RMT Opposed To Fingerprinting of Cleaner Members

We note the report from our Regional Organiser as to the current situation with Initial’s use of fingerprinting for booking on. Although this is to be ‘voluntary’, with the alternative being telephone booking-on, we continue to oppose the installation of the machines and insist that cleaners book on with the person in charge of the workplace where they are due to work.

ISS And Initial Cleaner Members To Strike Over New Years

ISS Industrial Action

In accordance with the request of our representatives, we instruct all members on this contract to take strike action by not booking on for any duties starting at or after 05:30 on Monday 31 December 2012 and to return to duties starting at or after 05:30 on Wednesday 2 January 2013.

We instruct the General Secretary to:
• send a personal letter by post to all members involved, explaining this action.
• email our London Underground members, urging their support for this action.