Tube Disciplinary Review Joint Approach Welcomed

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the continuing discussions at the APC Joint Working Party. We instruct the General Secretary to place LUL’s revised draft in front of us once received.

We further not that we still await the outcome of Brother Smith’s* grievance regarding the role of the PMA in his case and instruct the General Secretary to place this in front of us once received.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain the report instructed by our previous decision as to whether London Underground’s use of PMAs meets ACAS standards.

Blog: 2011 Census

Data from the 2011 UK and Wales census was recently released. The Office for National Statistics which oversees the process says the census "help paint a picture of the nation and how we live. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services."

A number of reports have been compiled from the findings covering London. Notably these include the 'GLA Intelligence Unit' reports into the Labour Market, Housing, Ethnic Diversity and Health & Unpaid Care findings of the cencus.

Stations and Revenue Control Safety Council Staff Side Update December 2012

Winter Weather

The RMT industrial position is that as a working practise, staff clearing snow is something we do. However, the TSSA have a different view that they do not believe it is a job that staff should carry out
However, the safety issues including work place risk assessments, protection and equipment still remain. We continue to raise these with LUL both locally and at council level, and have also issued a special bulletin and pro-forma that is separate from this update giving advice on protection