S Stock Train Detrainment

We note the correspondence from London Underground regarding the time allowance for detrainment of the S Stock. This union insists that all workers should have adequate time to carry out the tasks involved in their job.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain reports as to progress on this issue, and on the issue of time for train preparation, through the Machinery of Negotiation and Consultation and to place these in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.

More Reps For Tube Lines Members

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the support of our Company Council representatives, and accordingly endorse the increased level of representation.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately advise the company of our acceptance, and to write to our Tube Lines members informing them of this improvement in RMT’s representation.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT up front December issue 25

Attached is the latest edition of RMT Up front. This edition focuses on the Ballot for action short of strike action on the Bakerloo and Central lines and gives a report on the RMT's dispute over working on Boxing Day. Main stories follow:

Bakerloo and Central Line drivers: Vote YES for yours and your passengers safety

Bakerloo and Central Line drivers will be receiving ballot papers for action short of strike action over London
Underground’s detrainment

Cross Line Working Sugestion Rejected

We note the correspondence from London Underground regarding its intention to deploy Circle and Hammersmith drivers to work on Metropolitan line track at Wembley Park sidings. The union totally rejects this, and will not accept any form of cross-line working.

Further, this adds to the evidence that LUL intends to use the introduction of the new ‘S’ stock to reduce maintenance frequencies and to deploy drivers, service control staff and others across more than one line. This threatens jobs, safety and service standards. We instruct the General Secretary to:

London Underground's New 'Engagement' Survey

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd advising the launch of a new, annual, TfL-wide employee engagement survey called Viewpoint. We note that the results of the first of these is due in April 2013, and instruct the General Secretary to write to London Underground Ltd and TfL seeking their confirmation that no changes to our members’ conditions of employment that are not agreed with this union will be announced or imposed before the results are available.

Disciplinary Review Legal Issues Investigated

We note the report from our Regional Organiser on this issue.

We remain concerned that the employer has reached agreement with just one union, and do not accept the explanation from the company that it did this because TSSA raised the issues with it first. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this is raised at the next Company Council meeting.

Metropolitan Line Upgrade

We note the resolution from our Neasden branch, and that the Metropolitan line upgrade is now complete. We place on record our recognition of the work of our Upgrades representatives on this over the last few years. All issues for negotiation and consultation should now be dealt with through the established machinery rather than the Upgrades set-up.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. write immediately to London Underground Ltd seeking the company’s confirmation that this will take place, to place the reply in front of us, and to monitor the situation.