Demo: Save Whitechapel Ticket Office

The RMT will hold a demonstration opposing the closure of Whitechapel ticket office on Saturday 19th October between 09.30am and 10.30am, outside Whitechapel station.

Everyone is welcome to attend, so please feel free to spread the word to anyone you think would be interested.

Attached is a poster, which you can display in your workplace.

See you there.

Lorna Tooley
Branch Secretary
East Ham Branch, RMT

Feedback Wall -young members conference 2013

RMT Young Member Conference 2013 Feedback Wall

- "Fantastic conference. The young members are stronger than ever. Such a brilliant group of dedicated people"
- "First time, loved it. will be back 2014 :)"
- “Scotland branches needs to get more members”
- “Excellent speakers -could do with more 'activities' + workshops”
- “Too much sitting down. More move”
- “Absolutely outstanding! Loved it!! Thank you :) ”
- “Agendas to be send to delegates before conference”

Safety Concerns During Today's FBU Strike

RMT has sent the following circular to all the union's branches.

Dear Colleague


The FBU have announced that a dispute between them and the Fire Service Employers will take place on Wednesday 25th September 2013 between 12:00 and 16:00. I know many of you are extremely concerned at the health and safety implications for your members, your colleagues and the travelling public should the Fire Brigades Union take strike action. RMT are fully supportive of the FBU stance in this dispute.

No to Violence Against Women 2013

This article is taken from the International Transport Worker's Federation Website

The 25th of November is an important day for ITF affiliates worldwide. It marks the day that the ITF family campaigns for the elimination of violence against women. Following the success of last year's campaign the message for this year will remain the same: ‘NO to Violence Against Women’.

THIS YEAR’S CAMPAIGN: NO to Violence Against Women