Introducing Myself

I'll be running this small corner of the RMT world for Neasden Branch so allow me to introduce myself. I am a Station Supervisor based at Harrow on the Hill. I am your Women's officer and also on the LGBT National Advisory Committee. I will be making a concerted effort to post more content about branch issues and to keep you updated on wider union matters.

If you have any ideas or want to discuss an issue please email me.

Just a few ideas:

  • What do you want to see here?

RMT Supports Plight Of Migrant Workers In Qatar

Rmt General Secretary Bob Crow and London transport region Executive Council member Janine Booth have signed a letter expressing solidarity with Nepali and other migrant workers in Qatar. We invite other RMT members to put their name to the letter. If you wish to do so, let us know here.

The letter
We are writing to express our solidarity with Nepali and other migrant workers in Qatar.

Tube Lines Reps Win Increased Time For Pension Dispute Discussions

We note the correspondence from LUL. While we are disappointed that the company has not agreed to our request for better representation at the working party, we note that it has agreed to release all our company council reps for a feedback meeting the day after the first working party meeting, and understand that this will happen after every working party meeting.

As Boxing Day Tube Use Increases, RMT Calls For Equal Bonus For All Grades

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 13 September and 1 October 2013, and the discussion of this item at the Company Council meeting on 26 September 2013. This correspondence confirms that the LUL/ASLEF agreement traded changes to the Train Operators Resourcing Agreement (TOPRA) for the £350 bonus for working on Boxing Day.

Transfer Of Operational Resourcing From TfL To Tube

We note the correspondence from the company on this matter. We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our lead officer as to the potential impact on our members: both any who may work in this department, and those across TfL and LUL who are affected by the work of this department.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Know Your Rights - Part Time, Parental leave and Flexible Working

Part-time workers are in general entitled to be treated equally to full-time workers. This includes terms and conditions of employment (such as pay and holidays on a pro-rata basis) and how you are treated at work (such as dismissals and redundancy). There are of course the usual legal loopholes and many part-timers doing jobs only done by part-timers (such as cleaning jobs) will not fall within the protection of the Regulations. If you feel that you have been treated less favourably than a comparable full timer who also works there, you can request a written statement of reasons from your employer as to why this situation exists. The employer must respond within 21 days. If you are not satisfied with the response, a claim can be lodged with an Employment Tribunal within three months minus one day of the act complained about.