Petitions Call For Ticket Office Closures To Be Scrapped

The following petitions from various groups are all calling for London Underground ticket offices to be protected.

Please consider adding your signature:

  • Boris: keep your promise - sign the 38 Degrees petition to keep ticket offices open in the London underground.
  • This Labour Party campaign calls for lower fares and the protection of ticker offices -

JLE PED isolation - if it aint broke dont fix it

Why replace a safe system with a high risk dangerous one? The RMT is very concerned by the dangerous plans by management on the Jubilee Line to alter our procedure for isolating a defective Platform Edge Door. We believe a member of staff must be positioned by an isolated platform edge door is essential to maintaining a safe operation.
Station staff are the eyes and ears for drivers in these situations, and their absence can lead to dangerous situations and possible injuries - most notably to children, visually impaired people and mobility impaired people.

Justice For The 33 Sack The Agency Not The Workers.

Please help by downloading the poster below and displaying it in your workplace.

Please come and support rmt members who worked for over 5 years on lul but have now been dropped by after being promised permanent jobs.

WHEN - Every Monday Morning 08.30

WHERE - From London Bridge Station, Tooley Street Entrance to City Hall

London Underground Management were happy to have these hardworking staff working on the Under-ground for many years


Protest at EU Commission Against EU Rail Privatisation

RAIL UNION RMT will be backing the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) and Action for Rail day of action against EU rail privatisation with protests outside European Commission Offices in London, Cardiff and Edinburgh this Wednesday October 9.

The European Union’s so called “Fourth Rail Package” aims to enforce the fragmentation and privatisation of domestic rail services across the continent, including the compulsory competitive tendering of rail passenger services and separation of infrastructure and operations.

Bob Crow To Climb Snowdon For Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow and a team from RMT head office will be climbing Snowdon to raise money towards the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund.

On October 12th while the rest of us are tidying our gardens for the winter, lazing in front of the TV or keeping the family entertained thisintrepid band of souls from RMT’s offices will be trekking the long and steep climb up to the top of Snowd0n: Britain’s second highest mountain.

Please help by sponsoring the RMT party and contribute to this worthwhile cause.

  • Read more about the BMCFF here.