RMT Exposes London Fares Rip Off

As Boris Johnson prepares for Tory conference speech RMT exposes full extent of London fares rip off
As Boris Johnson prepares for Tory Conference speech RMT reveals Tube fares have risen six times faster than wages on his watch

As the London Mayor prepares for his annual Tory conference show-boating speech, tube union RMT said today that he stands accused of hammering the travelling public on both fare increases and attacks on quality of services through cuts to staffing and capacity.

Report To RMT Women's Advisory Committee: European Transport Workers Federation Women's Committee Meeting September 2013

Our Executive Member for London Transport - Janine Booth, gave a report to the Women's Committee of the European Transport federation in helsinki, in September 2013.

Violence against women

Resolutions Passed At Regional Council September 2013

These resolutions were passed at the Regional Council meeting held in September 2013.

Oyster Cards Resolution
This branch is appalled at the error that removes money from people's wave and pay accounts instead of their oyster. We believe TfL should publicise this matter and repay any monies collected by mistake. We call on our Union to contact TfL and demand these actions are done

Eastern European Migrant Workers

Service Control Grades Meeting Report

At the recent Service Control Grades Meeting a number of topics were discussed, with the following updates:-

DRM & LIS Instructor Grades
After successful lobbying by our Functional Reps, Management have now conceded that these roles require instructor grades. As a result, all locations with these grades will be entitled to an instructor for every 7 staff (or 10-15% of staff compliment).

SCL2 Recruitment
A new campaign for SCL2 recruitment is now due to take place in November - and will be close listed to Service Control Staff

Service Control Grades Meeting Report

At the recent Service Control Grades Meeting a number of topics were discussed, with the following updates:-

DRM & LIS Instructor Grades
After successful lobbying by our Functional Reps, Management have now conceded that these roles require instructor grades. As a result, all locations with these grades will be entitled to an instructor for every 7 staff (or 10-15% of staff compliment).

SCL2 Recruitment
A new campaign for SCL2 recruitment is now due to take place in November - and will be close listed to Service Control Staff

Executive Report Regional Council September 2013

This is our Council Of Executive Member Janine Booth's report to the regional Council meeting for September. This is just a brief overview - many of the items will be on this site, but you can find out more by attending regional council held on the last Thursday of each month at the Exmouth Arms near Euston Station. EQUALITIES REPORT Women • Advisory Committee meeting today; verbal report to be given

Professional Service Control Agreement

Attached is the "Professional Service Control Agreement" dated 5th January 2005.

This agreement covers all staff who are employed in the Service Control Function in the operation of Service Control and the arrangements for the staffing of Control Rooms and signal cabins operated by LU. This is supplementary to the Company’s “Principles of Employment”.