RMT slam lack of investment, fragmentation and private profiteering that blights our railways

RMT blasts lack of investment and private profiteering as new figures show that average age of Britain's trains is now over 20 y

Rail union RMT today slammed the lack of investment, fragmentation and private profiteering that blights our railways as new figures were revealed this morning which show the age of trains on Britain's tracks has reached the oldest level in 14 years.

Disability Officer's report to RMT London Transport Regional Council, October 2015

  • LUL Fit for the Future Stations Equality Impact Assessment
  • Disability discrimination cases in LUL
  • Employers' disability policies
  • Proposed employment policy on Autism
  • RMT training
  • Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC)
  • UK Disability History Month
  • UN to investigate UK government
  • Access to Work survey
  • WOW petition

Glen Hart - targeted by London Underground for Trade Union activities

They have already had one crack at him - and now they are back for another.

Glen Hart was following RMT instructions not to work over time during the FFFS dispute.

They tried to sack him for closing his station because there was no relief.

With no evidence they could not find against him.

They are now perusing more trumped up charges against Glen 

This time they centre on being rude to a manager - no witnesses and no evidence.

Please publicise Glens case around your workplace.

The RMT have vowed to defend Glen with everything we have

Jubilee South Branch Prepared to Defend Unfairly Treated Disabled Member

RMT London Transport Region's Jubilee South branch has unanimously passed a motion in support of branch member Francis Darcy.  Francis is a long term RMT member and London Underground worker; who is employed as a SAMF.  Francis developed Repetitive Strain Injury whilst doing her job, and despite the difficulties this condition has causes her, has maintained her condition, and was doing her job just days ago.  However at a recent 'case conference' the decision was taken to redeploy her to an unknown role, without warning.

RMT confirms 48 hours strike next week after massive vote for action on Docklands Light Railway

RAIL UNION RMT said today that staff across all grades on Keolis Amey Docklands Light Railway will strike for 48 hours next week  in a dispute over a range of serious unresolved issues that are wrecking industrial relations.
The announcement of action comes after talks failed to make any serious progress following the confirmation of a massive 92% vote to strike by RMT members last week.

RMT to prepare ballot for 'bullied and victimised' activist brother Hart

We note the report of the Lead Officer and we also note the GGC decision of the 28/05/15 that we would prepare a ballot for strike action if Bro Hart receives a disciplinary warning for carrying out trade union activities.

Bro Hart has been bullied and victimised since this date and now faces dismissal on trumped up charges that are related to his activities based on standing firm in defence of agreed and legitimate trade union activities.

Would you like to be an RMT rep or branch officer?

It is that time of year when we open nominations for RMT representatives and branch officers in the Central Line East branch area.

Everyone who is elected will receive training and support from the union in carrying out the role.

The successful candidates will hold the post from 1 January until 31 December 2016, and may stand for reelection next year.

Nominations for all these posts are now open.

The nomination forms for London Underground Ltd RMT reps are attached to this post.

Kill the bill: protect the right to strike - TUC mass rally and lobby of Parliament – 2nd November 2015.

Dear Colleagues,



All south of England Branches are urged to do everything within their capability to ensure a maximum turn out for the mass rally and lobby of Parliament that will take place on MONDAY 2nd November 2015 from 11.30

Branches can legitimately use their Branch Political funds to ensure this so please start acting now.