RMT Women: 100 years of fighting for equality

2015 marks 100 years of women’s membership of the RMT.

Through the last 100 years, women working as train drivers, guards, engineers, signallers, station staff and in all roles on the railway have proved that the industry is not a ‘man’s world’. Yet women have continually had to battle against sexism and still remain a minority in the rail industry.

Join us for an evening of socialising, food, drink and discussion on taking the fight forward for the next 100 years.

Property development focused TFL bill before Parliament again

The Transport for London Bill is before Parliament today - Monday 16 November. This bill is designed to help TfL fill the funding gap arising from impending cuts in the grant it receives from central government, by allowing it to use offshore companies to develop its property.

Leaks show that, from the turn of the decade, the government will cut £700 million a year from its contribution to TfL’s budget.

Tube reports record user numbers as Tories plot more big cuts

RMT on news of record tube user numbers today as Government lines up further cuts of £700 million a year.

General Secretary Mick Cash said

"The record numbers of tube users shows just what a success the service is and that is down to the hard work of the staff who make it tick. The fact that the news comes just as the Government are lining up annual additional cuts at TFL of £700 million a year is deeply worrying to both staff and passengers alike.

Regional Council Meeting November 2015

The next meeting of the London Transport Regional Council will be on Thursday 26th November 1630-1830 at the 12 Pins near Finsbury Park station.

Please try and attend and make sure your own branch is represented at this important organising meeting.

There will be reports from the Counil of Executive member John Reid and from the Regional Organiser John Leach.

Jubilee South News November 2015

This is the latest edition of Jubilee South News.

In this edtion:

  • Jubilee South Branch ready to defend unfairly treated disabled member
  • 4 day 36 hour week trial – the ayes have it!
  • RMT preparing ground for ballot to defend brother Hart
  • AGM branch meeting details


RMT prepared to defend unfairly sacked disabled Bond Street station worker


The following resolution was recently received from our Central Line West Branch:-

“This Branch notes the case of CSA Rachel Gard, from Bond Street, who was sacked for having a disability, Type 1 Diabetes. This Branch further notes the harassment Rachel has also received. This Branch calls the GGC to ballot on the following, with a view for full reinstatement.

Track workers to be balloted for strike


The following resolution was recently received from our LU Engineering Branch:-

“This Branch notes that LUL have decided to train Cleshar’s staff to undertake track patrolling. This is a clear breach of agreements and a direct attack on the internal staffs’ job security and direct casualisation. We therefore ask the General Grades Committee to ballot all operational permanent way track staff for industrial action and action short of strike”.