RMT continues to oppose ticket office closures

Despite massive opposition from staff and passengers, London Underground has ploughed ahead with its closure programme. The attached spreadsheet, put together by an RMT activist indicates where ticket offices remain open, and their proposed closure dates. The information could be used to assist and encourage other activists to organise protests and activities to voice our opposition against these cuts. 

Latest edition of RMT London Calling

download, print display and distribute around your workplace

RMT reps say pay offer falls short

The  overwhelming view of the reps at the meeting was that the pay offer fell short of what was wanted.
It was a below inflation 4 year deal that gave us no increase until year 4.
In year 1 we get about 2% , with strings and dependant on what salary you are on, but the RPI in April 2015, when we should have got our pay rise, was 2.5%,
In  years 2 & 3 RPI or 1% (whichever is greater) and year 4 only 0.25% above RPI.

Bakerloo News December 2015

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members of the Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • Reject LU’s latest offer: prepare for more action - It’s not final until we say it is!
  • The Gory Details
  • Prepare to strike to defend Glen Hart
  • Not fit for the present
  • Marylebone POMs
  • Paul Okoro reinstated
  • Drivers: request assisted dispatch!
  • Tube cleaners demand dignity and respect

RMT executive to consider next steps over pay and Night Tube following meeting of reps

RMT London Transport Region reps and activists met today to discuss London Underground's latest pay offer.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Today was the first opportunity for RMT reps to come together to consider the revised offer on Night Tube and pay and conditions received from London Underground last week.

Defend Glen Hart

Demo at Clapham Common station to kick off the camapign to stop London Underground targeting Glen because of his Trade Union activities.

Meet outside Clapham Common Station at 0800 on Wednesday December 9

London Underground bosses could face a London-wide Tube strike by RMT union members if they proceed with disciplinary action against union activist Glen Hart.

Bosses tried to sack Glen last year during strikes over cuts to stations.

London Transport Region backs 'stop the incinerator' legal fund

At November’s LTRC meeting, branches in attendance overwhelmingly agreed to contribute £250 towards Shasha Khan’s legal costs as a consequence of his campaign to stop the installation of Sutton/Croydon borough’s proposed incinerator.

Many may ask, why is this even significant to the trade union movement and indeed RMT union?

TfL pension fund – non pensionable pay awards

The following resolution has been received from the TfL No.1 Branch:

“TfL No. 1 Branch are concerned that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.

We request that the General Secretary carries out a proper investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one off lump sum payments.

Rates of pay and conditions of service 2015 and Night Tube dispute meeting

Mass Meeting of RMT Representatives – Dispute Resolution

Commencing 14.00 hours sharp on Tuesday 1st December 2015

The Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, UK W1T 6AQ


Mick Cash – General Secretary

Steve Hedley Assistant General Secretary

John Leach – Regional Organiser

John Reid – RMT Council of Executives   

Executive report November 2015


A Revised offer has been placed before us and will be discussed at a Reps meeting on Tuesday 1st December after which a report will be placed before the GGC.

An all grades ballot is being prepared and we need to build support for our victimised Brother.

Successful two day strike action was held between the 3rd and 5th November the first strike action ever held on DLR.