RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

RMT Seeks Legal Advice As MJ Quinn Refuses To Recognise Workers Union

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that MJ Quinn is refusing to recognise RMT for those employees transferred from Emcor, despite this union’s recognition for these members when they worked for Emcor.

In accordance with our Regional Organiser’s request, we instruct the General Secretary to obtain and place in front of us legal advice on the collective bargaining and recognition arrangements being transferred from Emcor to MJ Quinn under the TUPE regulations.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Concerned About Pension Contribution Levels For New Tube Drivers'

We note with concern the correspondence from our Bakerloo branch that recently-recruited drivers did not have their pension contributions adjusted to the correct level until the first pay period of 2013 despite being in their new grade for many months.

We remind London Underground Ltd that the TFL Pension Fund rules are clear, and that a driver member is entitled to accrue his/her pension as a driver from the date of his/her appointment as a driver.

TfL Pay

Further to our previous decision Gww 12 February 2012, we instruct the General Secretary to pursue replies to our correspondence to the other trade unions and to our own TfL no.1 branch, and to place responses in front of us; and to obtain an up-to-date report on the pursuit of this issue with the employer.

This issue is to be placed in front of us in the event of any developments, and in any case within 14 days.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT To Seek Updated Information On TfL Market Testing

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the minutes on file.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this union continues to seek updated information from TfL on this process, ensuring full disclosure of information to which we are entitled, and to challenge any resulting attacks on or holding back of our members’ terms and conditions.

Any developments are to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT & ASLEF Unity Secures Safe Process For Works On Jubilee Line

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that LUL has agreed to place telephones at 60m intervals through the relevant section of the Jubilee line during the tunnel relining, to enable the discharge of traction current in an emergency. This is similar to the arrangement on the Heathrow loop, and is acceptable to our representatives.

Free Travel Facilities, Emirates Airline Cable Car & Thames Riverboat Services

We note the response from TfL, which falls short of our members’ justified aspiration for free travel on these services. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this matter is tabled for discussion with the employer(s), and to seek a joint approach with the other unions.

We also note the report on our efforts to organise the workforce on the Emirates Air Line. We instruct the General Secretary to provide full support and resources for these efforts, and to place regular progress reports in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Continues To Monitor 'Market Testing' At TfL Following Assurances

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd regarding TfL market testing. While this offers some reassurance that this is simply a ‘benchmarking activity’ and that no decision has been made to privatise the functions involved, we are well aware that ‘market testing’ is used to keep down pay, conditions and staffing in the public sector body as much as it is used to prepare for privatisation.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this issue continues to be raised with TfL and developments monitored and placed in front of us.