RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

New Parental Leave Regulations

That we note this matter originated from the GGC and from a letter from London Underground regarding Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013.

The General Secretary is to write to all employers to confirm that they are incorporating the directive into our members’ contracts of employment. We would hope that the progressive employers would pay for our members to have parental leave.

You can read these regulations here

RMT Welcomes Reassurances Given Over Closure Of Lillie Bridge Depot

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 17 July 2013. We welcome the assurances given, which are clearer than those given previously. We seek a report from the lead officer before responding to the employer’s question about our ongoing dispute on this matter, and instruct the General Secretary to place this in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Station Supervisors Are Latest Grade Under Attack From Tube Bosses

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and the report from our Regional Organiser. We are totally opposed to LUL’s stated intention to reduce night station supervisor cover, and introduce mobile or remote supervision of stations.

We share our RO’s belief that this is an all-out attempt to de-staff and weaken our agreements for all LUL station grades, which we must resist.

RMT To Discuss TfL Cut To Long Service Awards

We note the correspondence from Transport for London and the report from our Regional Organiser. These confirm that the long service awards do not keep pace with the cost of living, and that further, the award for 25 years service with TfL has been cut from £350 to £250. Although the company points out that the award for 40 years service increases from £600 to £700, significantly more people reach 25 years service than 40 years, and therefore this is an overall cut.

RMT Prepares To Resist Devastating ConDem Cut Of 12.5% To TfL

We note the resolution from our Bakerloo line branch and share its view that the 12.5% funding cut to Transport for London will be devastating. This union is determined to resist this cut and its negative impact on our members, the travelling public, and London's communities. We will pursue this battle with all means at our disposal, up to and including co-ordinated industrial action.

RMT Fully Opposed To Reduction In Supervisor Coverage

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and the report from our Regional Organiser. We are totally opposed to LUL’s stated intention to reduce night station supervisor cover, and introduce mobile or remote supervision of stations. We share our RO’s belief that this is an all-out attempt to de-staff and weaken our agreements for all LUL station grades, which we must resist.

London Cycle Hire Reps Push For Better Treatment At Work

We note the report from the meeting of our London Cycle Hire representatives and members, who are determined to pursue their fight for better treatment at work.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  • promote to members the mass meeting on Tuesday 30 July at 6pm at the Chapel pub, opposite the workplace, by sending a personal invitation by post to every member involved; and through emails and text message reminders
  • ensure that at the meeting, up-to-date reports are given from talks with the employer, and on progress in achieving recognition