RMT Executive decisions

Decisions of RMT's Council of Executives, and of RMT's General Grades Committee (the section of the Council of Executives which deals with industrial matters for railway and other non-shipping grades)

Central Line Tube Dispute Update

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd responding to the seriousissues raised by our representatives in this dispute. We instruct the lead officer to obtain the views on our Central line drivers’ representatives on this response, and instruct the General Secretary to place a report of these views in front of us.

RMT Seek Legal Advice On LUL's New Attendance Warning Guidance

We note the document from London Underground Ltd, clarifying that managers can and should exercise discretion in the management of attendance. We welcome this clarification, which follows concerted pressure from this union to demand that managers should stop routinely giving the maximum penalty to members.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to circulate this document in full to all our London Underground branches and representatives, with a covering letter explaining its background and how to use it to the benefit of members.

Tube Lines Joint Working Party Full Decision

We note the report from our lead officer, summarising the views expressed at our representatives’ meeting on 23 August. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the employer that:

  1. trade union representation on the Joint Working Party should be proportional to the membership of the trade unions; that RMT’s delegation should include all our Company Council members; and that all members of the JWP should be either Tube Lines employees or full-time officers;

Tube Lines Joint Working Party

We note the report from our lead officer, summarising the views expressed at our representatives’ meeting on 23 August. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the employer that:

  1. trade union representation on the Joint Working Party should be proportional to the membership of the trade unions; that RMT’s delegation should include all our Company Council members; and that all members of the JWP should be either Tube Lines employees or full-time officers;

RMT Organise To Fight Issues On Pay, Conditions and Jobs At TfL

We note the report from our lead officer, and welcome the renewed efforts for RMT organising on Transport for London, so that we may more effectively fight on issues such as pay, conditions and jobs.

We welcome the monthly meetings to be held with our representatives, and instruct the General Secretary to place a report of the 1 October meeting in front of us.

Power Services Members Entitled To Transfer To TFL Pension Fund

That we note the latest correspondence on file from the Regional Organiser confirming the assurances sought by the General Grades Committee.

With regards to pensions, it has been agreed that transferring in staff will be entitled to in turn transfer into the TfL Pension Fund bringing with them their contributions.

Any further developments to be placed in front of the GGC.

London Transport Regional Council and Branches to be advised.

RMT Say No To Fingerprinting Of Cleaners

That we note the letter from ISS stating that the company refuses to retract their unfounded statement that this Union ‘did agree to a trial of the biometric system’ but they now accept that we are opposed to any trial of a bio-metric time and attendance system.

This Union has always rejected the trials of this biometric entry system.

Further, we note that a meeting with the Lead Officer and the Company is due to take place on September 10th. An urgent report from the Lead Officer is to be placed back in front of this GGC once this meeting has taken place.

RMT Decisions On Equality Matters

Domestic Violence Policy
Further to Decision No.CEWW, 23rd July 2013, the Equal Rights Sub-Committee submits the following report:

“That the General Secretary is instructed to raise this item with all the Regional Organisers who we have meetings with over the month of August 2013 and have a further update at the September Statutory meeting. Finally, the General Secretary to write to all other unions we share collective bargaining with and send them a copy of the policy for their consideration.

Sexual Violence Against Female Employees

Victoria Line Dispute Latest Decision

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to our functional council representatives of train, depot and service control staff, asking for their comments and any additional information they may have about this issue, and to place replies in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Urgent Meeting Called For Over Ominous TfL Comments On Changes In Financial Operation

We note the correspondence from Transport for London regarding pay. We note that the company is insisting that the 0.5% above-inflation element is depending on the implementation of its proposal for performance-related pay. We reaffirm our opposition to this.

We further note the ominous comments in the letter regarding the “step change in TfL’s financial and operational environment”, indicating that the government’s savage funding cut to TfL will be passed on to our members – and service users – in the form of cuts and attacks on pay and conditions.