Disabled people and members

Discrimination against disabled workers continues, and RMT is organising to oppose it

Disability in the workplace training course

RMT London Transport region is running a week-long training course for representatives and activists on Disability in the Workplace from Monday 1 until Friday 5 October in London. With our employers and workplaces presenting many barriers to disabled workers, members are increasingly calling on representatives to help them get adjustments, reasonable treatment, and even to stay in work. Union reps want and need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills not just to represent individuals but to campaign for more accessible and equal workplaces.

Report, TUC Disabled Workers’ Committee, 20 March 2018


Venue accessibility: We noted our success in getting the TUC to change the conference location to an accessible venue. We looked at the detailed access statement for the venue, and I asked that a relaxation space be allocated for the use of conference attendees.

Report: RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee, 5 February 2018

The fourth meeting of RMT's Disabled Members' Advisory Committee was the best-attended yet. The Committee continues to grow in size, and all members attended the meeting and contributed to our lively discussions.

We confirmed that at our last meeting, the General Secretary had committed to tabling our proposals for union action on mental health to the National Executive, and were disappointed that this had not yet happened. This issue will be pursued.