Further to my previous (Circular IR/109/20, 18th March 2020) the Union suspended two strikes related to the above dispute to allow talks at ACAS to take place. It was made clear to management at the time that the dispute is ongoing and would not be resolved until industrial relations at Osborne House had improved sufficiently and all members' concerns had been addressed for good.
The discussions at ACAS took place and involved work with all those affected to try to resolve the issues, indeed this activity continues now. However, while this is ongoing the actual situation on the ground continues to get worse and remains at an unacceptable level. Despite the best efforts of our RMT Reps and negotiating team, the main issues are still unresolved with the rampant lack of leadership and mismanagement.
The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to conduct a ballot of affected members for strike action and action short of a strike. I can advise that ballot papers will be posted to members on Tuesday 18th August and the closing date for the ballot is Tuesday 1st September 2020.
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