RMT says guarantee TfL long term funding

It was annunced today that the government and the Mayor of London have agreed to extend the current Transport for London (TfL) funding deal. The deal, due to expire on 18 May 2021 will be extended by just ten days.

Respondong to the announcement General Secretary Mick Lynch said;

"A high quality London transport network is essential for cutting pollution and rebuilding our wider economy and this continued uncertainty and reliance on short term fixes will simply hold back our economic recovery causing lasting damage.

"We need the government to stop using London transport as a political football and guarantee it the long term funding it needs as we move out of lockdown.

"London transport staff have been key worker heroes throughout the pandemic and this continued uncertainty is  a disgraceful way treat them.  

"Make no mistake if, arising from these talks, there is any attempt from any quarter to attack safety, jobs and conditions RMT will resist this with the strongest possible industrial response."