From Circular No. IR 283, November 27 2008
Dear Colleagues,
Further to my circular of 30th October 2008, I can confirm that the above consultation process has now commenced and RMT will be making every effort to ensure that jobs and conditions are fully protected. This process will be ongoing up to and beyond the transfer of members back into LUL.
In the meantime, in order to comply with the TUPE regulations, the employers have confirmed the following:
- LUL and Metronet Rail are now working to transfer employees of Metronet Rail to London Underground Limited. It is proposed that the transfer of staff will take place in early December.
- Metronet Rail employees will transfer to LUL under TUPE 2006 on their current contracts of employment. Their period of continuous employment will be preserved.
- Apart from a change in employer, Metronet is not aware of any other social implications.
- At this stage, I am aware that LUL propose to take the following measures that would affect employees after the transfer has taken place:
- To enable new organisation to function effectively it is proposed to integrate the top level of LUL and MR by creating a single LUL Executive.
- A review of functions is currently taking place within both LUL and MR. It is recognised, however, that it is optimal to consider these reviews as one Executive before any firm proposals are developed.
- An agreement will be created to enable LUL to provide staff resource to MR after transfer to enable MR to continue to discharge its obligations under the PPP Contracts and related contracts.
- Metronet are not proposing any measures in connection with the transfer. If this should change we will be informed.
All of the above measures are subject to consultation with the Unions. As I said earlier this process is ongoing and our number one priority is to ensure that jobs and conditions are fully protected now and in the future.
The situation has been considered by the General Grades Committee, whose decision now follows:
“That we note the merger of Metronet with LUL which reflects the recognition that PPP has failed and that billions of pounds have been misdirected. The artificial division of the Underground has been determined by demands for easy profits.
The General Secretary is instructed to write to Branches and representatives congratulating them on their long campaign to end PPP and defend wages and conditions.
Our campaign against privatisation and contracting out will continue, targeting JNP infrastructure, cleaning and Engineering.
The process of merger will require determination from our Union at all levels to protect bargaining and representation arrangements and to defend jobs.”
(LUL/ 15/10)
Yours sincerely
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