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- Attached is a poster with latest information on the Jubilee Line train fault. Please distribute it in your Jubilee Line workplace.
Eight Jubilee Line trains have now been found to have critical failures to the draw gear, the bar which connects the coupler to the train, and have been pulled from service. Your RMT reps have had regular conversations with senior LUL management on this serious issue since it was discovered, with the latest news being that 8 critically defective trains out of 62 have been identified and removed from service. This is around 11% of the fleet. A further 12 trains are being monitored for draw gear faults.
We are told that peak services may suffer delays due to the lack of stock. As yet a fix has not been identified, with a timescale not yet known.
London Underground engineers have categorised trains in the following way:
Cat 1: eight trains / serious fault, train removed from service.
Cat 2: three trains / to be checked every three days.
Cat 3: one / train to be checked every 7 days.
Cat 4: eight trains / to be checked every 28 days.
Answers needed
As the scale of this critical failure becomes clear, your RMT representatives have been busy working to ensure London Underground bosses fully explain what is happening. We have received assurances from LU Engineers about the nature of category two and category three faults and will continue to monitor the situation closely.
As the situation unfolds next week, we will be asking further questions. How did the situation get this bad? How long have trains with critical faults been in service on the Jubilee Line? Is the regime of fleet checks on the Jubilee Line fit for service?
Don’t forget, it was only a few months ago that tube bosses wanted to cut fleet maintenance. It was the RMT that stopped this from happening as we are the union representing, and ensuring health and safety is maintained in all grades on London Underground. That is critical for our safety as train drivers. If you have any queries or concerns, get in touch with your local RMT Industrial or Health & Safety rep.
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