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Following my previous Circular (IR/022/15, 21st January 2015), further talks took place with the Company and assurances over the issues in the dispute were received. The General Grades Committee considered this matter and took the decision that, as all our demands have been met, the dispute is resolved and the strike action which was due to commence from Wednesday 28th January was called off.
One of the main issues leading to this dispute was the outsourcing/secondment of members to MJ Quinns without their consent or agreement. All these members will now be brought back ‘in-house’ and managed directly by Keolis/Amey Docklands. The arrangement for secondments to MJ Quinns will be ended and the Company aims to complete this process by 1st April. All activities will be ‘in-house’ and there are also no plans to outsource any other additional operational activities in the future.
All policies and procedures, including Maternity & Paternity leave, will remain the same as were in place under Serco. These policies and procedures may be reviewed in the future but this will be done through proper consultation with RMT Reps along with a commitment from both sides to reach agreement.
The Company HSQE Director will meet our RMT Health & Safety Reps to agree a meeting structure going forward. This will ensure members get the support they need and will provide a regular opportunity for our Reps to raise any concerns and receive and give feedback on health and safety issues.
This success is a testimony to all DLR members, with the magnificent ballot result and the subsequent threat of strike action leading to the resolution of this dispute. This victory is a great example of what a strong, unified RMT membership can achieve.
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