Charter for Track Workers

This resolution, proposed by LU Engineering branch and seconded by TfL no.1 branch, was carried unanimously by the Regional Council in January 2009.

This region notes that successful recruitment needs planning and support from the whole region. We further note the success of other Charters for Cleaners/ Drivers etc and therefore call on the London Transport Region to endorse a similar charter for track workers:

1. Aimed at Track Contractors (P-Way) working on LUL. This is a big enough group to take on to start with; other contractor's grades can be dealt with after if successful with "lessons learned etc".

2. Should contain elements similar to the Cleaners Charter, but built in consultation with p-way contractors in the workplace (and via the LU Engineering website, a dedicated page/forum being created?).

3. Its ultimate and long term aim being bringing all track workers back under LUL employment.

4. Should consciously avoid pitfalls experienced with the Cleaners Charter and disputes!

5. Should be controlled by LU Engineering Branch and progressing to a steering group with RMT member p-way contractors on it/leading it.

6. Should be supported by all LUL Branches, RMT London Transport Region (& Council) and the national RMT.

7. Work to an agreed timetable;


• Mid-late Jan 09: Begin building of charter with contractor involvement.

• January 09 LT Regional Council: Propose resolution reducing RMT membership fee to LUL track contractors until May 2010(?).

• Early March 09: Track Contractor Charter meeting publicised and open to all track contractors and supporters, elect a steering committee.

• April 09: Collate and finalise Track Contractors Charter.

• May 1st 09: Launch RMT LUL Track Contractors Charter.

• May 09 to Jan 2010: Recruit p-way workers around the charter and reduced membership fee, and build into an army.

• Jan 2010: Present Track Contractor Charter demands to track contractor employers on LUL as RMT demands.

• Feb 2010: Ballot across all (involved!) track contractor employer's on LUL for the mother of all p-way strikes on LUL.