Anti-union laws

Campaigning to repeal the laws that restrict effective trade unionism

Pentonville Five Liberation Anniversary Meeting

London Undergrounds Engineering Branch invite you to to the 40th anniversary meeting to celebrate the liberation of the Pentonville five, a landmark victory in the history of our movement.

Speakers: Bob Light; Striking Docker, 1972.
Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary

The meeting will be held at the Exmouth Arms, Tuesday 4th December at 5pm. This crucial event is invaluable to us all. Please make every effort to attend and encourage others to do the same.

RMT President Leads London Assembly Electoral Challenge

President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) selected to lead new trade unionist and socialist electoral challenge for Greater London Assembly Elections in May 2012

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) has selected Alex Gordon President of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) to lead its list for the London Assembly elections due to take place on 3 May 2012.

Tory Chair Of Anti Union Group TURC Sacked From Government Following Nazi Uniform Stag Party

The Trade Union Reform Campaign chairperson, Tory MP Aiden Burley, has been sacked from his government post following a stag party he attended where another guest wore a Nazi SS officer uniform. It has been reported that Burley hired the uniform for his friend himself.

The union busting group TURC which Burley heads is campaigning against union officials getting paid release and for 'a greater element of democratic legitimacy.' Effectively aims that would make it impossible for unions to represent members or to successfully ballot for industrial action.

We Won’t Sit Back And Watch Jobs And Services Destroyed Say RMT

Commenting on Vince Cable’s threat to make Britain’s already draconian anti-union laws even more repressive, RMT general secretary Bob Crow said today:

“Cable is effectively telling us that the right to strike is something we can have only if we choose not to use it.

He is trying to come across as the nice cop of the ConDem coalition, but the truth is that he wants us to sit back and watch as his government destroys our jobs and wrecks our services.

Industrial Relations-Regional Council 26th May

The following Emergency Resolution submitted by Stratford No 1 branch was carried at the Regional council meeting on 26th May.

In the light of the recently expressed intentions of the government to turn back the clock on Industrial Relations to the nineteenth century introducing new anti-strike laws and weakening workers rights still further, we request the regional Secretary to convene an open meeting to discuss with other trade unions a unified response to these threat.

RMT Wins Landmark Victory in Court of Appeal on Strike Laws

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow:

I am delighted to be able to report that this morning in the Court of Appeal RMT has secured a massive landmark victory on the UK strike laws over our dispute on Serco Docklands.

The full details are contained in the press statement below but be under no illusions – this morning RMT has given a huge boost to 7 million trade unionists in the country fighting for jobs, pensions and standards of livings.

Article for Labour Briefing

I have written this short article for Labour Briefing:

On 6 February, despite strong opposition from trade unions and passengers, London Underground completed its cut of 800 jobs from its stations. It slashed ticket office opening hours and removed staff from around the stations, leaving safety and security compromised and passengers without the help they need. Private-sector-run upgrades are seeing repeated failures, and maintenance regimes are being slashed.

RMT calls off strike action on Arriva Trains Wales this Friday following legal advice

FOLLOWING LEGAL advice on the changing nature of the anti-trade union laws, and a pending legal challenge to a court decision in respect of action on Docklands Light Railway, a 24 hour strike on Friday February 4 by RMT drivers on Arriva Trains Wales has been called off.

RMT confirmed today that it will re-ballot members in light of the latest legal advice.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

High Court Injunction Against DLR Strike

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary:

I write to advise branches that last week the High Court granted Serco Docklands an injunction preventing RMT from organising a 48 hour strike on the Docklands Light Railway. Yet again an employer has run to a High Court Judge to use the Anti trade union laws to ignore the democratic will of members. This decision has ramifications not just for RMT but across the whole Trade Union Movement and is the latest of a long line of high court decisions against trade unions.