Anti-union laws

Campaigning to repeal the laws that restrict effective trade unionism

RMT London Transport region to hold courses on anti union laws

London Transport Regional Council Education News

Following the introduction of the Tories' (Anti) Trade Union Act this year and after listening to our members and reps, I am pleased to announce LTRC is providing "Bite Size" training thanks to Sis Janine who kindly has taken the task to produce training materials as well as tutor herself.

We are planning two training sessions, both of which are free of charge and open to all members.

1st DATE: 9th May 2017 TIME: 13:00-15:00 VENUE: Room 1, Unity House, Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD

President Sean Hoyle

Following a resolution that was passed unanimously at January's LTRC, this region would like to place on record its support and solidarity with Sean with regard to his understanding and interpretation of Rule 1. 4. (b) To work for the supersession of the capitalist system by a socialistic order of society.

The recent media reports and character assassination by them of Sean are disgraceful and bear no resemblance to anything approaching fair and reasonable reporting.

Transport targeted for new raft of Tory anti-union laws

Transport Union RMT responds to news that transport is one of the sectors targeted for new wave of Tory anti union laws. 

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"This morning the Tory Government confirm that transport is one of the sectors that they will be targeting with their new wave of oppressive anti-union laws as they seek to ban strikes by the back door. 

"RMT will stand alongside our colleagues in health, education and the fire service to fight this outrageous attack on our basic human rights. 

Mick Cash debates anti strike laws on BBC Daily Politics Show

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash debated proposed new Tory anti union laws on the Daily Politics show this week.

Mick Cash debated the planned draconian Trade Union Bill with  Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi, along with Jo Coburn and Lord Jones on the Daily Politics.

If you cannot see the clip below, watch it here on the BBC website.


LT Regional Council activities September 2015

London Transport Reg Council are organising various events in the upcoming weeks:


First up is a demo against the BIS Secretary Sajid Javid and an issuing of an injunction to him.
The demo is tomorrow September 9th at 1800 - follow link below for facebook event
He was elected on a majority of less than 38% - but strives to impose a threshold of 40% for Trade Union strike ballots

There is a follow up demo on September 14 on the right to strike to coincide with the 2nd reading of the anti trade union bill.

Demo: End Austerity Now

Dear Colleagues,

The proposed Tory anti-union laws would outlaw strikes if less than 50% of members voted in a ballot with an even stricter threshold for workers in ‘essential’ services. If these laws come in unchallenged, bosses will ride roughshod over all our workplace agreements and victimise our union reps.

It is now vital we mobilise on the streets for 20th June demo outside the Bank of England (Queen Victoria St) City of London (nearest tube: Bank) and show the full force of anti-austerity opinion by ensuring this demonstration is the biggest protest seen in London for years.

Blog: Tories Call For More Anti Union Laws

Strike Ban Threat
The Tories have announced plans for more anti-union laws which could see public transport strikes effectively banned. Around 24% of the electorate voted for the Tories, yet they want 50% of workers to vote yes for a strike to go ahead. A rewriting of democracy which would be very difficult for any union to satisfy.

They'd also call for a minimum tube service to run at all times, restrict picketing, and reduce the time union reps get to defend members.