London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Waterloo & City detainment dispute ballot results

Dear Colleague,

Removal of Detrainment Staff, Waterloo, Waterloo & City Line
London Underground

I write to advise you that the ballot has now closed and the result is as follows: -

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 68
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 57
Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question: 57
Number of individuals answering “No” to the question: 0
Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned: 0

Harrow Canteen closure update


That we note the report from our Lead Officer who has consulted with our Neasden Branch representatives who in turn have consulted extensively with their members affected. The view is that the matter has not got enough support for taking the necessary action to resolve this dispute.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to close this file and we commend our Neasden branch for seeking ways to address this issue.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Bakerloo News January 2019

Bakerloo News has all the latest updates from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • Union action wins concessions

  • Fight goes on: hold the bosses to their commitments

  • Access all areas?

  • Organising on the SRT

  • Challenging unsafe practices on North Group

  • Red tabards

Please download the newsletter and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace, and share it online too.