London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Reminder of RMT position on LUL Attendance Policy to be sent out


That we note the resolution from our TfL No1 & LUL MATS Grades Branch; and instruct the General Secretary to issue an urgent yellow RMT circular reminding all applicable London Underground staff of the RMT position regarding the LUL Attendance at Work policy.

Also restating previously issued advice relating to associated LUL paperwork that staff may be asked to sign.

TfL No1 & LUL MATS Grades Branch & the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Bakerloo News October 2019

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line workers and is produced by RMT activists.

Please download the attached document to read it and share it online or print it out and distribute it in your Bakerloo Line workplace.

District line workplace violence dispute update

Update following our directors meeting regarding the District Line dispute:

We are deeply concerned and disappointed by what the company have offered us in response to the shocking rise in workplace violence which has forced us to take industrial action.

What they have offered us is a strategic and tactical mistake, which won’t solve the problem - in fact it will make it worse.

LU’s response in brief:

They will continue working with their crime reduction team to tackle the worst affected areas (they should be doing this already)

East Ham Branch demand an end to violent assaults at work. Support the action

Great work by the local reps and the East Ham Branch
In the wake of unprecedented violence against staff on LUL on the east end of the district line our comrades put on industrial action to say no more
We are not prepared to accept being assaulted at work 
The incident at West Ham vindicated this position 
Attacks on our members are unacceptable 
If LU do not resolve to put this right we are prepared to escalate our action
The attacks on our members across the combine must mark the end of lone working 

RMT raises serious safety concerns following despicable West Ham staff assaults

Joint statement from Tier 2 and SFC following our meeting with management today:

Tier 2 and S.F.C reps met today with Brian Woodhead and Senior BTP Officers. We put your concerns to them in no uncertain terms, including but not limited to:

- Access to trauma support
- The duty of care process
- Reliability of magnetic doors
- Ongoing issues raised in the
District East staffing dispute
- Lone working more generally

We told them you don’t feel safe, and we told them you don’t feel supported.

Ballot to be prepared as LU managers 'attempt to unpick agreed reasonable adjustment'


That we note the resolution from our Bakerloo Line Branch and agree that its not enough for the company to portray themselves as a progressive equal opportunities employer to staff and publicly, if they allow their junior managers to regularly attempt to unpick agreed reasonable working adjustments for our member; which will have a potential impact on all our disabled members of staff.

We instruct the General Secretary to take up the matter in-line with the resolution:

RMT goes into dispute as CSA dismissed


That we note the resolution and share the concerns of our Bakerloo Line Branch around the arbitrary discounting of evidence and severity of sanction in comparison to
similar cases.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to pursue the following course of defensive actions should Bro Glen Plaister’s coming appeal not result in his reinstatement; in line with the resolution: