LUL Asset Performance Directorate

metronet worker

News, reports and information for RMT members in London Underground engineering and maintenance

Fleet Agency Trainers Dispute ACAS Update

Today (Monday) I'm attending talks with LUL about our joint dispute with Unite over the outsourcing of LUL jobs (in training) to agency on the Fleet project Heavy Overhaul Programe Lift (HOPL).

This is a major project to overhaul the Central line rolling stock - trains. This project is being used as a Trogan horse to outsource directly employed staff.

RMT and Unite are fighting this tooth and nail and currently we have an overtime ban right across the Fleet membership on LUL.

We have other 'action short' industrial action too.

RMT Steadfast Resolve Sees Contract Work Brought Back In House


Further to my previous Circular No. IR/42/14, 30th January 2014, talks aimed at resolving a range of issues affecting our ex-Metronet grades members have taken place at ACAS. These talks were positive and the General Grades Committee has noted the correspondence on file and that the LU Engineering Branch has indicated acceptance of the proposals.

RMT Steps Up Fight As Boris Johnson Signs Off Earls Court / Lillie Bridge Carve Up

Tube union RMT today pledged to step up the fight to stop the carve up of the Lillie Bridge tube maintenance depot as Mayor Boris Johnson sneaked out an announcement late last night that gives the green light to the demolition of Earls Court and the surrounding area and its conversion into a yuppies playground by Tory Councillors hell bent on the social cleansing of whole swathes of West London.

RMT Evidence To The Greater London Assembly Follow-up To Its Investigation Into The State Of The Tube

As the largest trade union on London Underground, and the only union representing all grades on London Underground, RMT deeply regrets that no action has been taken following the GLA investigation into the state of the Tube.

In particular, RMT is deeply concerned that following the Union’s active engagement in the investigation, and the subsequent good faith with which we engaged the Olympics, that it now appears that our members are faced with an unprecedented assault.

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Olympic Recognition and Reward At APD To Be Pursued Further And London Underground Administration Grades Reward To Be Reviewed

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd concerning the industrial action by our members in the Power and Electrical Department – APD Stations Group and the response from our representative. We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LUL, explaining that this matter is not resolved to our satisfaction, and to arrange the attendance of the relevant officer at further discussions with the employer.

APD Stations Group Power and Electrical Department To Take Industrial Action

We are seriously concerned that this [change to shifts] ...could lead to members working more days or longer hours. - Bob Crow

From General Secretary Bob CrowFrom General Secretary Bob Crow

It has been brought to our attention that London Underground are in breach of the spirit of our Olympic Agreement in terms of the rostering arrangements within the APD Stations Group Power and Electrical Department.

Having consulted with the local branch and representatives, the General Grades Committee has decided to call our members who work as Electricians, Senior Technicians, Team Leaders and Work Controllers within the APD Stations Group Power and Electrical Department to take the following industrial action short of a strike.

Not to work any overtime from 06.00 hours on Friday 7th September 2012 until 23.59 hours on Sunday 9th September 2012

Executive Decision On Power and Electrical Department APD Stations Group Industrial Action

“That we note the report from the General Secretary and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to call on our Senior Technicians, Electricians, Team Leaders and Work Controller members within the Power and Electrical Department APD Stations Group , London Underground Ltd to take action short of strike action by not working any overtime from 06.00 hrs on Friday 7th September until 23.59 Sunday 9th September 2012. A Personal Letter to be sent to all members informing them of our decision. LU Engineering Branch to be advised. “

Olympic Recognition And Reward TfL (LU) And London Underground’s Breaches Of Casualisation Dispute Settlement

"RMT members are instructed not to co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty" - Bob Crow

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that following the closing of both ballots for industrial action short of a strike the General Grades Committee has considered the situation and decided to call the following industrial action.

Olympic Recognition and Reward Dispute

Despite reaching agreement over the Olympic payment arrangements we continue to have problems with the implementation of the agreement. Therefore all LUL members are instructed to take the following industrial action short of a strike.