LUL Asset Performance Directorate

metronet worker

News, reports and information for RMT members in London Underground engineering and maintenance

RMT Considers LU Olympics Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the offer from London Underground, of an additional £350 lump sum payment to all operational staff in each of the following functions, dependant on the trade unions agreeing to changes in working practices detailed in the correspondence:

  • Asset Performance Directorate
  • Stations and Revenue Control
  • Service Control including Duty Reliability Managers
  • Operational Managers in COO and APD, including Network Operational Learning Trainers

RMT Pursues Representation on APD Reorganisation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground and the feedback from our branch secretary, which can be found on file.

We note that Sister Darby has requested a personal meeting with the Employee Relations Director of London Underground about this issue, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on this meeting, following which we will consider options for representation in negotiations on this issue.

We further instruct the General Secretary to pursue the other parts of our previous decision of 24 January.

RMT Demands Adequate Representation in APD Reorganisation Talks

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground plans to reorganise the planning, analysis and reporting of asset information within its Asset Performance Directorate, which will lead to job cuts and possible relocation and displacements of members. The company has presented a large volume of material to us about these plans.

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' this week, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

A document has been released detailing the agenda of the meeting. It says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

The document also makes note of stations saying that ticket office need will decrease and staff will need to become more 'flexible.'

TfL Board To Discuss Driverless Trains, Ticket Office Closure & Reduced Maintenance In Job Cut Board Meeting

The TfL board will discuss the 'Operational Vision' tomorrow November 2nd 2011, which predicts trains without drivers and the closure of all ticket offices by 2016.

LUL's Managing Director Mike Brown's presentation to the Board is attached.

Brown says "Given the technology available now, it is very unlikely that, after the procurement of the trains for the Sub Surface Lines, LU will ever again buy a fleet of passenger trains with conventional drivers’ cabs."

Tripcock Testing to be Cut?!

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and share the shock and alarm expressed by the branch that London Underground could even consider reducing the frequency of tripcock testing. The tripcock is an essential safety mechanism which stops a train in the event of it passing a signal at danger, therefore preventing crashes and protecting life.

Update: Representation of Fleet Grades

General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We also note that our LU Fleet branch is dissatisfied with levels of representation and wishes the union to continue to pursue this issue.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain from LU Fleet branch a report of its outstanding concerns following its next branch meeting on 21 September.

Northumberland Park IT Disciplinary Dispute Reaches 'Satisfactory' Conclusion: Industrial Action Ballot Cancelled

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. We note that the outcome of the disciplinary process was that our members were issued with 52-week warnings to run from the date of the alleged offence, and that as this was in 2008, the warnings have now expired.

Signals Grade Progression: RMT Responds to LU

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground.

It is disingenuous of LU to complain that this union has not used the ‘agreed machinery’ when during the period referred to there was no agreed machinery due to LUL’s withdrawal from it. Despite this, our reps have tried to maintain good industrial relations.

Furthermore, despite LUL’s claims, there are no agreed minutes available yet and our representatives have been requesting a director level meeting to discuss this matter.