Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

London Underground Strike Suspended - New Action Called

As members will be aware, your Union has been in intensive discussions with LUL at ACAS in an effort to reach agreement and resolve the current disputes over Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service & Night Running and Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground. Now, as a result of the 100% support we have been receiving from you and your colleagues including two all-out strikes, a position has been reached that allows us to suspend the industrial action.

Hands across the pond - support for our strikes from New York

Support was given to our tube strikes from New York.
Our Regional Organiser and family are on hols in USA and took time out to visit transport workers across the pond.
The transport workers send messages of support and solidarity to the RMT members taking strike action next week.
Steve Downs chair of the now world famous TWU local 100 offers support for our action.

Every Job Matters Industrial Action Planned For Two Days Next Week

This action is suspended - details here


Further to my previous Circular (IR/194/15, 12th August 2015), members are reminded of the forthcoming strike action detailed below. All Station Grades members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 18:30 hours on Tuesday 25th August 2015 and 18:29 hours on Wednesday 26th August 2015.

Upfront Newsletter: August 2015

Members of all unions once again showed the power of united action with another magnificent display of strength during the last strike. The all-grades overtime ban is hitting LUL hard and we have seen proof of this on their central target board. It has more red crosses than a game of Celebrity Squares with actual lost customer hours almost double the target. Lost hours caused through the Fleet overtime ban are 15 times higher than the target!

Why are we taking action?

Every Job Matters - Defending Jobs On London Underground: Strike Details


Further to my previous Circular (IR/181/15, 31st July 2015), management has failed to address our real concerns and opposition over job cuts and a casualised station workforce. The on-going overtime ban is having a drastic impact on management’s ability to run a service as members are no longer available to cover the obvious staffing shortfalls. Following a meeting of our Reps recently at Unity House to discuss this matter, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to call on all RMT Station Grades to take part in the industrial action detailed below.

Bakerloo News August 2015: We Are In This Fight To Win

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members of the Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • We are in this fight to win
  • Strike details
  • Their pay and ours
  • Interserve cleaners short pay epidemic continues
  • Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader

      Download and distribute the newsletter or read it here and share the article.

In the News: 48 Hour Tube Strike Called Over Three Days

The RMT today announced that further strike action will be called on London Underground totalling 48 hours in the dispute over pay and nightube. Drivers will not book on for any shifts from 9pm on Tuesday 25th for 24 hours, and then a further 24 hours from 9pm on Thursday 27th August. Other London Underground grades will take the same action but starting at 1830; for 24 hours on the 25th and 27th of August.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

RMT Calls Two Day Tube Strike

TUBE UNION RMT has today confirmed two twenty four hour strikes in the Night Tube and station jobs disputes as London Underground management, under the direction of Mayor Boris Johnson, continue to stall over the issue of work/life balance and job cuts arising from the new rosters and the Fit for the Future programme - due to come into force from the 12th September.

As a result, the executive of the union has taken the following decision:

Solid Strike Sends Clear Message To Tube Bosses And Mayor Johnson

Rock solid tube action sends out clearest possible message that issues must now be addressed.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"The action is absolutely solid on London Underground ‎across all unions, all grades and all lines and depots. That sends out the clearest possible message to Boris Johnson and his tube bosses that they must now take the staff grievances seriously and get back into genuine and meaningful talks.

RMT Calls For Meeting With London Mayor On Tube Dispute

With Boris Johnson taking direct control of Night Tube dispute RMT calls for urgent meeting
‎With Boris Johnson taking direct control of Night Tube dispute RMT calls for urgent meeting

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"It has become clear from the media coverage over the past forty eight hours that Boris Johnson has taken direct control of the current tube dispute.